The Government announced the membership of the Harbour-front Enhancement Committee
The Government today (April 28) announced the membership of the Harbour-front Enhancement Committee.
Committee chairman is Professor Lee Chack-fan. Professor Lee is currently a Pro-Vice-Chancellor and a Chair Professor of Department of Civil Engineering, University of Hong Kong.
The committee also comprises six senior government officials and 23 other non-official members who represent different quarters of the community including professional institutes, green groups, harbour interest bodies and the business sector, as well as individuals from varied backgrounds who are knowledgeable in harbour related issues.
The chairman and members will serve for a two-year term starting from May 1, 2004, to April 30, 2006. The Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau will provide secretariat support to the committee.
A spokesman for the Housing, Planning and Lands said, the committee was tasked to advise the government on planning, land uses and developments along the existing and new harbour-front of the Victoria Harbour; with a view to protecting the harbour; improving the accessibility, utilisation and vibrancy of the harbour-front areas; and safeguarding public enjoyment of the harbour through a balanced, effective and participatory approach.
"Since announcement on March 9, we have received positive feedback and the common views expressed are that the community expects the committee to operate as a multi-stakeholder group with varied interests represented and that it should operate in an open and transparent manner," the spokesman said.
"In response to community aspiration for greater involvement in the planning and design of the future harbour-front, the committee is also expected to identify, and/or commission projects/activities to involve the wider community in the planning, design, implementation and enjoyment of the harbour-front. Such activities may include exhibitions, roundtable meetings, public forums, workshops/seminars, competitions, and etc."
"To foster a full participatory process by stakeholders, members of the committee are welcome to bring forth issues of interest or concern relating to the purview of the committee for its discussion and deliberations. Activities involving public participation are envisaged," the spokesman noted.
The committee will hold its first meeting on May 6 to discuss items such as the terms of reference of the committee and the mode of operation. They will also be briefed on the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance and the Court of Final Appeal Judgment and the progress of reviews at Wan Chai North and South East Kowloon Development and the Harbour Planning Study.
Specifically, the terms of reference of the committee are:
(a) To provide feedback for the reviews on the remaining proposed reclamation within the harbour, namely the Wan Chai North and Southeast Kowloon reclamation proposals;
(b) To advise on the planning, land use, design and development issues relating to the existing and new harbour-fronts;
(c) To advise on means to enlist greater public involvement in the planning and design of the harbour-front areas; and
(d) To explore optimal ways to manage the harbour-front areas, including private-sector partnership.
The following is the membership of the committee:
Professor Lee Chack-fan
Unofficial Members:
Business Environment Council
(represented by Dr Andrew L Thomson, Chief Executive Officer)
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong
(represented by Mr Leung Kong-yui, President)
Citizen Envisioning @ Harbour
(represented by Dr Ng Mee-kam)
Conservancy Association
(represented by Dr Alvin Kwok Ngai-Kuen, Director)
Friends of the Earth
(represented by Mrs Mei Ng, Director)
Hong Kong Institute of Architects
(represented by Mr Vincent Ng, Chairman of Planning and Lands Committee of HKIA)
Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects
(represented by Mr Leslie Chen, Vice-president)
Hong Kong Institute of Planners
(represented by Mr Roger Tang, Vice-president)
Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
(represented by Mr Bernard Chan Kwok-fai, Honorary Secretary)
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
(represented by Ir Dr Greg Wong Chak-yan, Vice-president)
Hong Kong Tourism Board
(represented by Mrs Aliana Ho, General Manager, Tourism Marketing)
Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong
(representative to be confirmed)
Society for Protection of the Harbour Limited
(represented by Mr Hardy Lok, Director)
Mr Nicholas Charles Brooke
Mr Chan Tak-chor
Dr Chan Wai-kwan
Mr Chan Yiu-fai, Steve
Professor Jim Chi-yung
Mr Kwok Chun-wah, Jimmy
Professor Lam Kin-che
Mr Lau Hing-tat, Patrick
Ms Lee Wai-king, Starry
Mr Wu Man Keung, John
Official Members:
Mrs Carrie Lam
Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands)
Miss Margaret Fong
Deputy Secretary for Environment, Transport and Works
Mr Bosco Fung
Director of Planning
Mr S V Chai
Director of Territory Development
Mr Lau Ka-keung
Deputy Commissioner for Transport/ Planning and Technical Services
Mr Li Pak-chuen, Patrick
Assistant Director of Home Affairs
Miss Christine Chow, Principal Assistant Secretary (Planning and Lands)
Ends/Wednesday, April 28, 2004