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Publications & Press Releases

Government response on Wan Chai Development Phase II project

In response to press enquiries on the statement issued by the Action Group on Protection of Victoria Harbour on Wan Chai Development Phase II (WDII) project, a Government spokesman said today (January 31):

"The main purpose of the WDII project is to implement the Trunk Road project comprising the Central-Wan Chai Bypass and the Island Eastern Corridor Link.

It is not the Government's intention to reclaim land under the WDII project for land sale purpose. Any reclamation that may be incurred will be decided by the alignment of the Trunk Road and all such reclamation will be incidental.

We will ensure that all reclamation proposed will have to fully comply with the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance and the 'overriding public need test' stipulated by the Court of Final Appeal and will be kept to the minimum.

We understand that the Sub-committee on WDII Review of the Harbour-front Enhancement Committee has recently launched a public engagement exercise 'Harbour-front Enhancement Review - Wan Chai and Adjoining Areas'.

We are confident that through the public engagement exercise, the public would put forward their views on the types of harbour-front developments they aspire for at Wan Chai and the adjoining areas, and would provide input to the WDII Review."

Ends/Monday, January 31, 2005

