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Publications & Press Releases

Statement by the new PCICB Chairman

The following is issued on behalf of the Provisional Construction Industry Co-ordination Board (PCICB).

Following is the statement made by Mr Keith Kerr in response to his new appointment as the new PCICB chairman:

"I feel delighted and deeply honoured to be appointed by the Chief Executive as Chairman of the PCICB.

Since its establishment just over one year ago under the capable leadership of the Honourable Henry Tang, the PCICB has evolved into a pan-industry forum not only for the purpose of pooling together efforts in pursuing the massive change programme mapped out by the Construction Industry Review Committee (CIRC), but also for the deliberation of long-term strategic issues.

With active participation and contribution by major stakeholders, the PCICB has already made a promising start. I will ensure that the momentum is not lost, particularly in terms of collaboration with Government to tackle priority issues including management of subcontracting and cost competitiveness of our construction industry.

Having served on both the PCICB and the CIRC, I see emerging challenges as well as opportunities in this era of reforms. The construction industry has played no small part in spurring and sustaining the economic growth of Hong Kong over the past few decades. It rests upon us to sail through the present difficulties and to drive the industry towards excellence in an increasingly globalised market through closer integration, better quality, greater efficiency and higher productivity.

Inheriting an excellent foundation laid down by Mr Tang and supported by a group of committed Members, I am confident that the PCICB will remain the primary source of impetus for a new industry culture striving for continuous improvements in a market-driven environment."

End/Tuesday, September 17, 2002

