Haw Par Mansion to hold open days
The Development Bureau will organise open days at Haw Par Mansion, a Grade 1 historic building, from October 30 to 31 and November 5 to 7 for the public to appreciate the historical and architectural significance of the mansion, and to express views on the future commercial use of the revitalisation project.
A spokesman for the Development Bureau said today (October 21), "Given the Haw Par Mansion's characteristics such as its history, heritage features, location and attractive interiors, we consider that the site has potential for commercial uses.
"The Development Bureau intends to revitalise Haw Par Mansion through an open tender exercise for commercial use to be launched at the end of this year. The pilot project will try out the viability of revitalising historic sites via commercial operation.
"We aim to preserve and restore Haw Par Mansion with minimum intervention. No new structure can be constructed, save for minor structures such as those required for building services facilities. All business will be conducted within the existing building and the garden," the spokesman added.
Members of the public can visit Haw Par Mansion from 10am to 4pm during the open days, except on October 30 when it will be open from 11.30am to 4pm.
Guided tours will be provided during the open days. Members of the public who wish to join the guided tours can obtain the registration form from the heritage conservation website of the Development Bureau (www.heritage.gov.hk). Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registration forms should be returned to the Commissioner for Heritage's Office via fax at 2127 4090 or e-mail at hpm@devb.gov.hk on or before October 26 (for guided tours on October 30 and 31) or November 1 (for guided tours on November 5, 6 and 7).
Haw Par Mansion, at 15A Tai Hang Road at the Jardine's Lookout, was built in 1935 by Mr Aw Boon Haw. The mansion was a residence of the Aw family and a focal point of Chinese culture in Hong Kong. Architecturally, the mansion was built in the Chinese Renaissance style with a mix of Chinese and Western styles.
Ends/Thursday, October 21, 2010
Issued at HKT 17:47