Programme for Implementation

It is intended to implement the CSWD within the Works Departments following the completion of the CSWD Study. The implementation will therefore commence at the end of 2001 and continue into 2002. The standards will be in full use by the middle of 2002.

The CSWD will become a Government Contractual Requirement

Government will issue a Technical Circular [WBTC] stating that the CSWD will become a future contractual requirement for all new design and construction projects. Project Briefs will refer to this Technical Circular.

The CSWD Web Site

The purpose of the CSWD web site is to:

The CSWD will be upgraded and improved

It is recognised that the CSWD cannot be a fixed standard, but must take account of new versions of CAD software and also users' requirements. A CSWD Committee will be formed comprising managers and users from the Works Departments. It is envisaged that the Committee will also seek input from Stakeholders, either as permanent or ad-hoc members.

Terms of Reference of the CSWD Committee

The Terms of Reference of the CSWD Committee are proposed thus: