Why Consult?

In that Government is the major initiator of construction projects in Hong Kong, the requirements that it develops for the structure and format of drawings supplied to it will affect Hong Kong's consultants, contractors and suppliers. Under the Study, organisations that will be affected by the CSWD have been grouped as 'Stakeholders'.
The purpose of the Consultation Stage is: 


Presentations of the proposed standards will be made to Stakeholders. The presentations will cover and supplement the information given in this document and sample drawings will be displayed. The presentations will be held during the week beginning 30th October 2001 at the offices of:

  Atkins China Ltd.
15/F, Miramar Tower
132 Nathan Road
Tsim Sha Tsui

Please contact John Newby on 2972 1900 or e-mail jnewby@atkins-china.com.hk for more details. All are welcome.


Following the presentations, a trial of the standards will be undertaken.  This will involve the participating departments and other organisations. Any Stakeholders that wish to take part in the trial should contact Atkins China Ltd.

Up to 50 users will take part in the trial - the envisaged distribution of these users is shown on the right. The trial will consist of two parts. The first will require users to produce some typical detail drawings to the standards.

The second part will comprise a data exchange trial, particularly of the Microstation / AutoCAD translation, whereby some background data will be passed to all participating organisations for the addition of their discipline-specific information. This additional data will then be distributed to all participants, who will be asked to combine it into a single drawing. In theory all of the resulting plots should be identical.

OrganisationNo.of Users
Architectural Services Department
Civil Engineering Department
Drainage Services Department
Electrical & Mechanical Services Department
Highways Department
Territory Development Department
Transport Department
Water Supplies Department
Other Stakeholders


Feedback from Stakeholders is welcomed.  Comments, observations and suggestions should be sent to Atkins China Ltd at the address and contact details given above.