Standard Folder (Directory) Structure common to AutoCAD and Microstation



Project Data

Project Data #1
Project Data #2

Description :

FolderFolder Contents
CSWD Standard CSWD library and other files that are applicable to all projects will be stored in sub-folders under the 'CSWD' folder
CSWD \ SI The 'Standard Interface' program files will be stored in this sub-folder.
CSWD \ SYMBOLS This sub-folder will hold the CSWD drawing symbols libraries
CSWD \ RESOURCES This sub-folder will store the CSWD resource files such as font files
CSWD \ DX This sub-folder will store the CSWD standard settings file and mapping files to be used for data exchange
PROJECT#1 etc Each project will be assigned a unique top-level folder that will be named using the project reference.
PROJECT#1 \ ADMIN The Admin sub-folder will be the will store standard files that are specific to the project e.g. drawing frames.
PROJECT#1 \ DRAWING This sub-folder will store the project's current drawing files*.
PROJECT#1 \ MODEL This sub-folder will store the project's current model files*. 
PROJECT#1 \ INCOMINGº This directory will store incoming (from others) project drawing and model files.
PROJECT#1 \ REVISION This directory is used to store previous revisions of files, if required.
    * It is recommended that model files and drawing files be split into the two folders as shown. However, in situations where reference links between the two types of files may be lost, then both types of file may be stored together in the DRAWING sub-folder.
    º Model and drawing files received from other parties should be stored together in the INCOMING folder in order to avoid links between the two types of files from being lost.
Folder table