Let’s work together to draw up the framework of the Harbourfront Authority

I have introduced some of our achievements in enhancing the Victoria Harbourfront earlier. However, how can we make the Victoria Harbourfront even more attractive, vibrant, accessible and sustainable? The Harbourfront Commission (HC) and the Development Bureau (DEVB) have recently launched the Phase II Public Engagement Exercise (PE) for the Proposed Establishment of a Harbourfront Authority (HFA) to invite public views on the detailed framework for establishing an HFA and ways to further improve the work on harbourfront management for better public enjoyment of the Victoria Harbourfront.

Victoria Harbour is one of our precious public assets. It is a highly effective working harbour and an icon of our energetic way of living. We are committed to building a vibrant and beautiful harbourfront for the enjoyment of the community. At the end of last year, after completing the Phase I PE for the Proposed Establishment of an HFA, we noted that there was general support for the establishment of a body with dedicated resources and the sole priority of managing the harbourfront. We therefore proposed in the Phase II PE to establish a dedicated HFA to take up the holistic planning, design, operation and management of the harbourfront sites.

That said, the public had diverse views on some aspects of the HFA’s detailed framework, such as its executive functions and financial arrangements. These would include whether the HFA should be supported by an independent executive arm or a multi-disciplinary government team, and, in terms of finance, whether the Government should provide a one-off endowment or offer recurrent funding. In view of this, we hope the public will provide us with their views in the Phase II PE. I would now like to briefly explain some details of the proposed framework.

On executive functions, we suggest that a phased approach be adopted to start the HFA’s work. During the initial stage of the HFA’s establishment, a dedicated government team comprising experienced civil servants from relevant disciplines should be formed to support the HFA’s operation, and report to the HFA’s Board so that the HFA can have a swift start-up. Meanwhile, the HFA should recruit talents with business acumen and market operation experience so that its projects could be planned and developed holistically. When the operation of the HFA and its development of projects get on track with experience accumulated over time, the HFA could start building its own independent executive team to gradually phase out the team seconded from the Government.

On financial arrangements, we propose that a dedicated fund be set aside within the Government, with an amount sufficient to cover the capital costs for the development of designated harbourfront sites or projects, and the initial funding for the HFA, say the first five years of the HFA’s operation costs. When a project is ready for implementation, the HFA would have to seek the Legislative Council's approval to draw resources from the dedicated fund. In addition, we would conduct a financial consultancy study regarding the sites proposed for allocation to the HFA to provide support for the way forward.

The shoreline of the Victoria Harbourfront is some 73 kilometres long. We propose to adopt an incremental development strategy by allocating harbourfront sites to the HFA in phases. These sites may include the New Central Harbourfront, the Wan Chai – North Point Harbourfront, the Quarry Bay Harbourfront, the Kwun Tong Harbourfront and the Hung Hom Harbourfront. When the HFA has built up its track record and reputation and has gained public trust, it could then proceed with its work steadily.

In addition, we have put forward proposals on the vision, objectives and functions of the HFA. For details, please visit www.hfc.org.hk/hape. The Phase II PE will last for three months until December 24. You are welcome to express your views through various channels. The HC and the DEVB will organise public forums and briefing sessions to solicit your views. Let’s work together for a Victoria Harbourfront for the enjoyment of the community and which we can take pride of.




5 October, 2014
