The Land and Building Advisory Committee today (March 18) discussed the proposed Integrated Site Supervision System and the resultant changes proposed to the Technical Memorandum for Supervision Plans issued under Building Ordinance section 39A.
"Members generally welcome the proposed integrated supervision system which amalgamates the site supervision requirements set out in three different site supervision systems currently in use," the Committee chairman, Professor Yeung Yue-man, said after the meeting.
"Members consider that the new system will be able to make the best use of the manpower resources in the building industry while upholding public safety and maintaining the quality of building works," he added.
The Committee noted that the proposed amendments to the Technical Memorandum for Supervision Plans would be implemented after the Legislative Council has vetted the amendments.
The Committee was also briefed on the operation of the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. 545) since its commencement in June 1999.
End/Tuesday, March 18, 2003