The Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, Mr SIT Wing-hang, Alfred (centre), says that the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) will provide shared testing grounds for start-ups in the electrical and mechanical (E&M) field.  Next to him is Professor CHUNG Shu-hung, Henry (right), from the Department of Electronic Engineering at City University of Hong Kong.
The Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, Mr SIT Wing-hang, Alfred (centre), says that the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) will provide shared testing grounds for start-ups in the electrical and mechanical (E&M) field.  Next to him is Professor CHUNG Shu-hung, Henry (right), from the Department of Electronic Engineering at City University of Hong Kong.
The Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, Mr SIT Wing-hang, Alfred (centre), says that the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) will provide shared testing grounds for start-ups in the electrical and mechanical (E&M) field.  Next to him is Professor CHUNG Shu-hung, Henry (right), from the Department of Electronic Engineering at City University of Hong Kong.