The Landscape Architect (Greening and Landscape) of the Development Bureau (DEVB), Mr CHEUNG Ka-wai, Allen, says that currently, there are mainly around 20 species of trees planted at roadsides in the urban areas of Hong Kong. The Street Tree Selection Guide (the Guide) recommends 80 less commonly used tree species, which are however suitable for planting in Hong Kong, to promote vegetation diversity in tree planting.
The Landscape Architect (Greening and Landscape) of the Development Bureau (DEVB), Mr CHEUNG Ka-wai, Allen, says that currently, there are mainly around 20 species of trees planted at roadsides in the urban areas of Hong Kong.  The Street Tree Selection Guide (the Guide) recommends 80 less commonly used tree species, which are however suitable for planting in Hong Kong, to promote vegetation diversity in tree planting.
The Landscape Architect (Greening and Landscape) of the Development Bureau (DEVB), Mr CHEUNG Ka-wai, Allen, says that currently, there are mainly around 20 species of trees planted at roadsides in the urban areas of Hong Kong. The Street Tree Selection Guide (the Guide) recommends 80 less commonly used tree species, which are however suitable for planting in Hong Kong, to promote vegetation diversity in tree planting.