The Secretary for Development (SDEV), Mr WONG Wai-lun, Michael, says that under the second-round measures, the Government will offer a one-off subsidy of $7,500 to each eligible construction worker, and more than 530 000 workers will directly benefit from the subsidy. At the same time, the Government will provide a one-off subsidy to about 30 000 construction-related enterprises, generally small-scaled, which cannot benefit from the first-round measures, in order to further help the construction sector fight the epidemic.
The Secretary for Development (SDEV), Mr WONG Wai-lun, Michael, says that under the second-round measures, the Government will offer a one-off subsidy of $7,500 to each eligible construction worker, and more than 530 000 workers will directly benefit from the subsidy. At the same time, the Government will provide a one-off subsidy to about 30 000 construction-related enterprises, generally small-scaled, which cannot benefit from the first-round measures, in order to further help the construction sector fight the epidemic.
The Secretary for Development (SDEV), Mr WONG Wai-lun, Michael, says that under the second-round measures, the Government will offer a one-off subsidy of $7,500 to each eligible construction worker, and more than 530 000 workers will directly benefit from the subsidy. At the same time, the Government will provide a one-off subsidy to about 30 000 construction-related enterprises, generally small-scaled, which cannot benefit from the first-round measures, in order to further help the construction sector fight the epidemic.