Mr CHAN Yu Kwan, Engineer (Mainland North Division) of the DSD (left) and Drainy, the DSD’s KOL (right), introduces the thematic manhole covers located on Lam Tsuen Heung Kung Sho Road and near Lam Tsuen Wishing Square.
Mr CHAN Yu Kwan, Engineer (Mainland North Division) of the DSD (left) and Drainy, the DSD’s KOL (right), introduces the thematic manhole covers located on Lam Tsuen Heung Kung Sho Road and near Lam Tsuen Wishing Square.
Mr CHAN Yu Kwan, Engineer (Mainland North Division) of the DSD (left) and Drainy, the DSD’s KOL (right), introduces the thematic manhole covers located on Lam Tsuen Heung Kung Sho Road and near Lam Tsuen Wishing Square.