文物探知馆举办「百载筑迹─东华三院文物馆与文物保育」展览 (附图)


展览由古物古迹办事处(古迹办)及东华三院文物馆筹划,展期至九月二十三日,免费入场。详情请浏览古迹办网页(www.amo.gov.hk/b5/whatsnew_20200511.php)或致电2208 4400查询。


An exhibition entitled “Heritage Over a Century: Tung Wah Museum and Heritage Conservation” will open from tomorrow (May 29) to September 23 at the Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre. Photo shows one of the exhibit highlights, a plaque hung at the main entrance of the main building of Kwong Wah Hospital since 1911. An exhibition entitled “Heritage Over a Century: Tung Wah Museum and Heritage Conservation” will open from tomorrow (May 29) to September 23 at the Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre. Photo shows one of the exhibit highlights, two couplets presented by the first Chairman of Kwong Wah Hospital. An exhibition entitled “Heritage Over a Century: Tung Wah Museum and Heritage Conservation” will open from tomorrow (May 29) to September 23 at the Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre. Photo shows one of the exhibit highlights, five offering containers at the main hall of Kwong Wah Hospital.  An exhibition entitled “Heritage Over a Century: Tung Wah Museum and Heritage Conservation” will open from tomorrow (May 29) to September 23 at the Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre. Photo shows one of the exhibit highlights, a bronze bell cast in 1847 for commemorating the completion of Man Mo Temple.

