Head of EKEO
(3904 1728)
- Lead the Energizing Kowloon East Office with a multi-disciplinary professional team and steer the coordination with relevant bureaux and departments (B/Ds) at the high level in taking forward measures under the Energizing Kowloon East initiative;
- Advocate the Conceptual Master Plan (CMP) of Kowloon East (KE) and San Po Kong Business Area (SPKBA) which guides actions that aimed towards transforming the district into Hong Kong’s second core business district (CBD2), and oversee the update and implementation of CMP;
- Coordinate and monitor the overall project management and design related to infrastructural development projects in Kwun Tong, Kowloon Bay and San Po Kong to enhance connectivity/walkability and improve the environment, as transpired under CMP, as well as resolution of the strategic issues pertaining to Kai Tak Development;
- Formulate strategies and policies and undertake studies to release the potential of government land, including exploration of ways to consolidate/rationalise existing government facilities and to enhance land utilisation under the “single site, multiple use” principle;
- Spearhead industrial building revitalisation in the district through coordination of cross-bureaux and cross-departmental efforts on various development proposals in KE from the private sector, including provision of one-stop facilitation service and undertaking preliminary assessments on the merits or otherwise of individual proposals in consultation with relevant B/Ds;
- Promote smart city concepts and lend support to their testing and piloting in KE and SPKBA, and collaborate with various stakeholders including relevant B/Ds, the academia, research institutions and others in turning KE into a smart, green and resilient CBD2;
- Explore innovative means in urban design, facility management and activity planning through a place making approach to enhance vibrancy and vitality of KE, and to build a positive image of CBD2 to local and overseas communities; and
- Champion comprehensive public engagement in the envisioning, formulation and implementation of new initiatives and projects through multiple channels, ensuring proper responses to demands and aspirations from stakeholders and the public, and maintaining regular dialogues with all major stakeholders.
Deputy Head of EKEO
(3904 1618)
- Implement the CMP of KE and SPKBA which guides actions that aimed towards transforming the district into Hong Kong’s CBD2, and assist with the update of CMP;
- Monitor the project management and design of the infrastructural developments in Kwun Tong, Kowloon Bay and San Po Kong to enhance connectivity/walkability and improve the environment, as transpired under CMP, as well as assist in the resolution of the strategic issues pertaining to Kai Tak Development;
- Implement strategies and policies to release the potential of government land, including exploration of ways to consolidate/rationalise existing government facilities and to enhance land utilisation under the “single site, multiple use” principle;
- Foster industrial building revitalisation in the district through coordination of cross-bureaux and cross-departmental efforts on various development proposals in KE from the private sector, including provision of one-stop facilitation service and undertaking preliminary assessments on the merits or otherwise of individual proposals in consultation with relevant B/Ds;
- Take forward smart city concepts and initiatives in collaboration with various stakeholders including relevant B/Ds, the academia, research institutions and others in turning KE into a smart, green and resilient CBD2;
- Provide professional advice on the budgeting, programming, public reception and priority considerations, design and implementation of public infrastructure and area improvement works in Kwun Tong, Kowloon Bay and San Po Kong as well as major development proposals including the Kwun Tong and Kowloon Bay Action Areas, and formulate strategies for engaging stakeholders; and
- Closely liaise with the senior management of various B/Ds, coordinate the implementation of various proposals under the Energizing Kowloon East initiative, and resolve issues with cross-bureaux and cross-departmental efforts.