For consultancies exceeding the quotation limit set out in the Stores and Procurement Regulations (currently $3 Million), the selection and appointment of consultants for all works-related consultancies have to follow the guidelines/advice of the Engineering & Associated Consultants Selection Board (EACSB) or the Architectural & Associated Consultants Selection Board (AACSB), depending on the specialty of the project.
The EACSB Handbook provides detailed guidance for the procurement of consultancy services in the engineering and associated fields for the study and implementation of public works projects.
Similarly, the AACSB Handbook provides detailed guidance for the procurement of consultancy services in the architectural and associated fields for the study and implementation of public works projects.
Following the launch of the Integrity Charter in September 2021, the Development Bureau, the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the Construction Industry Council jointly introduced the Construction Industry Integrity Charter 2.0 on 23 December 2022. Consultants are strongly encouraged to participate in the Charter and build a corruption-free and professional construction team based on an improved management system of integrity. Signing of the Charter is on a voluntary basis. For details of the Construction Industry Integrity Charter 2.0, please refer to the Corruption Prevention Advisory Service’s webpage:
Contact Details
Consultants interested in providing consultancy services to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may contact:
(a) For engineering and associated fields:
Secretary, EACSB
c/o Civil Engineering and Development Department
Civil Engineering and Development Building
101 Princess Margaret Road
Ho Man Tin
Hong Kong
Telephone No.: 2762 5018
(b) For architectural and associated fields:
Secretary, AACSB
c/o Architectural Services Department
Queensway Government Offices
66 Queensway
Hong Kong
Telephone No.: 2867 3577