
Date Subject
18/12/2024 LC: Speech by SDEV in introducing Committee Stage Amendments to Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill (Chinese only)
18/12/2024 LC: Speech by SDEV in responding to Members on Committee Stage Amendments to Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill (Chinese only)
18/12/2024 LC: Speech by SDEV on resumption of Second Reading debate on Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill (Chinese only)
11/12/2024 LC: Speech by SDEV on Second Reading of Protection of the Harbour (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Chinese only)
04/12/2024 LCQ14: Promoting living and working in same district
04/12/2024 LCQ7: Implementation progress of public works projects
27/11/2024 LCQ3: Expediting urban redevelopment
20/11/2024 LCQ13: Promoting yacht tourism
15/11/2024 LC: SDEV's speech on Motion of Thanks in respect of CE's 2024 Policy Address (Debate Session 3) (Chinese only)
13/11/2024 LCQ17: Prevention of water mains leaks and bursts
13/11/2024 LCQ15: Incidents of payment defaults in public works
13/11/2024 LCQ14: Cases of breaching the tenancy terms of Government land and properties
13/11/2024 LCQ11: Lift incidents caused by electricity problem
06/11/2024 LCQ4: Tree management
06/11/2024 LCQ15: Processing of applications for building New Territories small houses
24/10/2024 LC: Closing remarks by SDEV on motion on "Actively developing land and optimizing land use to promote the development of the economy and industries" (Chinese only)
23/10/2024 LC: Opening remarks by USDEV on motion on "Actively developing land and optimizing land use to promote the development of the economy and industries" (Chinese only)
23/10/2024 LCQ1: Waivers of land lease restrictions of industrial buildings
22/10/2024 Opening remarks by SDEV at LegCo Panel on Development policy briefing (Chinese only)
18/07/2024 LC: Speech by SDEV in Committee Stage to Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Chinese only)

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