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Legislative Council Panel on Development

Legislative Council Panel on Home Affairs


"Driving Development, Preserving Heritage"

Initiatives of Development Bureau
in the 2007-08 Policy Address and Policy Agenda

LegCo Panel Paper documentPDF in PDF format Annex 1PDF Annex 2 PDF Annex 3 PDF


The Chief Executive (CE) delivered the 2007-08 Policy Address on 10 October 2007 setting out his vision and policy objectives for the next five years. This is supported by the Policy Agenda Booklet which lists the HKSAR Government's new and ongoing initiatives. This paper elaborates on those initiatives under the Development Bureau (DEVB) and relates them to the Government's overall objectives.

The Setting up of the Development Bureau

As mentioned by the CE in his Policy Address, DEVB is set up to better co-ordinate major infrastructure projects that are essential in consolidating Hong Kong's position as a global city and in creating jobs. To this end, DEVB comprises the planning and lands group of departments as well as the works group of departments. The re-organisation of these nine government departmentsNote under one roof will ensure more efficient co-ordination and resolution of inter-departmental issues relating to infrastructure development at an early stage.

The organizational capacity in delivering infrastructure projects is further strengthened by a Liaison Group amongst the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Secretary for Environment and Secretary for Development to address cross-bureaux issues. Supervisory teams or steering committees chaired personally by the Secretary for Development will also be established to closely monitor progress on individual mega projects. The first supervisory team has been set up for Kai Tak Development.

DEVB is also tasked to enhance the Government's heritage conservation work and to strike a balance between development and conservation. Our heritage conservation policy and initiatives are also drawn up in response to public aspirations and to facilitate active public involvement.

The work of DEVB will mainly contribute to the two themes of "Ten Major Infrastructure Projects to Boost Our Economy" and "Quality City And Quality Life". We will also strive to enhance public governance and improve services to the public. An extract of all new and ongoing initiatives under DEVB as contained in the 2007-08 Policy Agenda Booklet is at Annex 1. Together with initiatives announced by the CE in his Policy Address, these form a comprehensive package to deliver DEVB's policy objectives. Major items are highlighted in the paragraphs below.

Initiatives under "Ten Major Infrastructure Projects to Boost Our Economy"

Initiatives under "Quality City And Quality Life"


We welcome Member's feedback and pledge to work closely with LegCo in taking forward DEVB's priorities in the coming five years.

Development Bureau
11 October 2007

Note: They are Planning Department, Lands Department, Buildings Department, Land Registry, Architectural Services Department, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Drainage Services Department, Electrical & Mechanical Services Department and Water Supplies Department.