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Legislative Council Panel on Development

Legislative Council Panel on Home Affairs


"Driving Development, Preserving Heritage"

Initiatives of Development Bureau
in the 2008-09 Policy Address and Policy Agenda

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The Chief Executive (CE) delivered the 2008-09 Policy Address on 15 October 2008 entitled "Embracing New Challenges". This is supported by the Policy Agenda Booklet which lists the HKSAR Government's new and ongoing initiatives. This paper elaborates on those initiatives under the Development Bureau (DEVB).

In light of Members' concern about progress of capital works projects particularly in light of upsurge in construction cost over the past year, we are taking the earliest opportunity to report to Members those approved projects which would require an increase in their approved project estimates (APE) to meet contract price fluctuations allowed for under the contracts or to enable tendered projects to proceed to construction (paragraphs 28 to 32 refer). Subject to Members' support, this would enable us to submit the funding applications to the first Public Works Subcommittee (PWSC) meeting on 7 November 2008, followed by Finance Committee (FC) meeting on 21 November 2008 to avoid any disruptions to or delay progress of these approved projects.




We welcome Members' feedback and pledge to work closely with LegCo in taking forward DEVB's priorities in the coming four years. Members are also invited to comment on the proposal to increase the APEs for three groups of Category A projects. This will enable us to seek PWSC/FC's approval in a timely manner.

Development Bureau
15 October 2008