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On-going Initiatives

  1. Strengthening Construction Manpower Supply

    We and the CIC have been actively implementing a host of multi-pronged measures to cope with the tight manpower situation of the construction industry.

    We have obtained a total of $420 million from the LegCo since 2010 to support CIC in stepping up training for local construction personnel. From 2009 to 2016, CIC has trained more than 23 000 semi-skilled workers.

    In end 2015, CIC rolled out a pilot scheme for upgrading the skills of semi-skilled workers to the levels of skilled workers. CIC is conducting an interim review on the effectiveness of the pilot scheme for completion by the first quarter of 2017.

    Further, CIC is going to revamp the on-going contractor cooperative training scheme so as to make it more effective in attracting newcomers and to better equip the newcomers with basic knowledge on craft skill as well as construction safety. CIC will also strengthen its effort to upgrade the skills of general workers to the level of semi-skilled workers. That would cover in-service female workers, ethnic minority workers and other local workers.

    In collaboration with CIC and other relevant training institutions, we will continue to provide workers with a clear progression pathway, boost skill and professional developments, and attract new entrants to the industry.

  2. Implementation of “Designated Workers for Designated Skills” Requirement under Construction Workers Registration Ordinance

    The registration system under the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (CWRO) (Cap. 583) recognises the skill levels of construction workers to raise their status, ensures the quality of construction work, and provides reliable manpower data to facilitate manpower planning and training. The Phase One Prohibition under CWRO has been implemented since 2007 and the construction industry generally complies with its requirements.

    The Construction Workers Registration (Amendment) Ordinance 2014 has pre-set that the “designated workers for designated skills” (DWDS) requirement is to come into operation on 1 April in 2017. In this respect, we have already tabled the Construction Workers Registration (Exemption) Regulation at the LegCo sitting on 14 December 2016.

    To prepare for implementing the DWDS requirement on 1 April 2017, CIC launched an extensive publicity and promotional campaign for the DWDS requirement since January 2015. Further, CIC is preparing relevant guidelines for the DWDS requirement (including exemption details) and is developing a smartphone application to disseminate relevant information.

  3. Construction Industry Recruitment Centre

    The Labour Department will continue to help contractors recruit local construction workers and assist local construction workers to secure employment through the Construction Industry Recruitment Centre.