New Initiatives
Increasing Land Supply
Land and space has been a major factor constraining the development of Hong Kong in various aspects. While our multi-pronged approach to increase land supply to meet the needs in the short, medium to long-term is starting to bear fruits, we must press ahead with the implementation of the new development areas (NDAs) and new town extension in Kwu Tung North (KTN)/Fanling North (FLN), Tung Chung, Hung Shui Kiu (HSK) and Yuen Long South (YLS), and keep up with our efforts in conducting land use reviews to identify more developable sites for housing and other uses. To this end, through our on-going land use reviews, together with some newly identified potential housing sites, it is estimated that some 25 additional housing sites, capable of producing over 60 000 units (of which over 80% are public housing units), can be made available for housing development, most of which in the five years from 2019-20 to 2023-24, provided that the relevant statutory plans can be amended and/or the necessary procedures completed in time. As with the established practice, we will consult the District Councils and relevant stakeholders on the development of individual sites as and when they are ready, and submit for consideration by the Town Planning Board (TPB).
Lantau Development and Conservation
In collaboration with the Lantau Development Advisory Committee, we completed a three-month public engagement (PE) exercise on the proposed development strategies for Lantau in April 2016. As revealed by the public views collected, the majority are in general supportive of the broad development direction of Lantau with “Development at the North; Conservation for the South”. Taking into consideration the public views received, we are preparing the “Sustainable Lantau Blueprint” providing, among others, a reference roadmap for exploring and implementing the development and conservative initiatives in Lantau. The blueprint is planned for publication in the first half of this year.
In the short to medium-term, we will conduct a study on the traffic and transport network of Lantau and its capacity to receive visitors with a view to addressing the needs arising from the development of the island and the increase in its visitor numbers. We will implement the Tung Chung New Town Extension (TCNTE) as well as the other developments along the northern shore of Lantau which include the topside development at the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) Island of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), Siu Ho Wan development and Sunny Bay reclamation. At the same time, we are continuing with the implementation of improvement/revitalisation projects at Tai O, Mui Wo and Ma Wan Chung as well as other local improvement works. We will also take forward those feasible and worthwhile proposals on recreation and tourism development of Lantau. In the longer term, we will study the proposal of developing an East Lantau Metropolis (ELM) as a new town and the third core business district (CBD3). Please also see paragraphs 51 to 53 below for various on-going initiatives in relation to Lantau Development and Conservation.
On the conservation front, we will preserve the predominant part of Lantau for nature conservation and sustainable recreational uses and green tourism. We will draw up and implement measures to conserve nature, antiquities and monuments, and cultural heritage on Lantau and collaborate with the green groups, conservationists and relevant stakeholders.
To take forward various studies and development projects and expedite the conservation work for Lantau, there is an urgent need to enhance our manpower and management steer by forming a new dedicated multi-disciplinary "Sustainable Lantau Office" in the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) so that we could start the work immediately to seize the development and conservation opportunities in Lantau.
Making Optimal Use of Brownfield Sites
Making optimal use of brownfield sites is one of the main directions in the Government’s multi-pronged land supply strategy. We will continue to plan and develop the northwestern and northern parts of the New Territories (NT) including HSK and YLS where brownfield sites are concentrated, with a view to releasing land for development under the new town development approach. CEDD will continue its studies on the possibility of consolidating brownfield operations in multi-storey buildings to optimise land utilisation, taking HSK as a pilot case. In parallel, the Planning Department will commence a comprehensive survey on the distribution and uses of brownfield sites in the NT. The study findings will provide a fuller picture of brownfield sites in the territory and the brownfield operations thereon, and allow us to formulate appropriate policies for tackling brownfield sites in different areas, with a view to achieving the objectives of optimising land utilisation, releasing brownfields potential and improving the rural environment.
Revitalising Agricultural Land
In accordance with the “New Agriculture Policy” announced in 2016, the Food and Health Bureau and DEVB will jointly commission a consultancy study on Agricultural Priority Area later this year. The study aims at identifying suitable areas with relatively large clusters of quality farmland and investigating suitable policy and measures to promote agricultural rehabilitation of the fallow farmlands within these areas, with a view to supporting local agricultural development and improving the rural environment.
Updating Territorial Development Strategy
Past experience indicates that a long lead time is required from planning to realisation of land development for housing, economic activities, community facilities and leisure and recreation space. For the sustainable development of Hong Kong, there is a need for the Government to adopt a visionary, proactive, pragmatic and action-oriented approach to tackle the planning issues critical to Hong Kong’s future, and to formulate a robust territorial development strategy in the light of the latest planning circumstances and challenges ahead. Against this background, the Government commenced the Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030 (Hong Kong 2030+) Study in early 2015 to provide an update to the “Hong Kong 2030: Planning Vision and Strategy” (Hong Kong 2030) promulgated in 2007.
Building upon the foundation of Hong Kong 2030, Hong Kong 2030+ aims to examine the strategies and feasible options for the overall spatial planning, land and infrastructure development, and the shaping of the built and natural environment for Hong Kong beyond 2030. We need a stronger focus on strengthening our position as a liveable, competitive and sustainable Asia’s World City. To this end, Hong Kong 2030+ proposes three building blocks that help facilitate the planning for a liveable high-density city, embracing new economic challenges and opportunities, and creating capacity for sustainable growth, and includes a conceptual spatial framework that translates these building blocks in spatial planning terms. To address the estimated land shortfall of at least 1 200 hectares (ha) covering different land uses and to cater for new initiatives and the unforeseen, two strategic growth areas, namely ELM and NT North (NTN), are proposed in Hong Kong 2030+ to allow us room to enhance liveability, balance home-job distribution, and create buffer to capture opportunities and embrace new challenges. We have launched the PE on Hong Kong 2030+ in October 2016 for six months until April 2017. More details of the proposals under Hong Kong 2030+ have been uploaded to the website2 and submitted to LegCo3.
Harbourfront Development
As learnt from the PE Exercises conducted jointly by the Harbourfront Commission (HC) and the Government, there is general consensus in the community for the need of a new mindset in taking forward harbourfront enhancement. However, there was a divergence of views as expressed in the PE Exercises on the various recommendations made under the proposal of establishing a statutory Harbourfront Authority (HFA). Some members of the public and sectors in the community indicated support while others expressed concerns. They differed in their views on the process and pace of the transition from the current model to an HFA and also on the statutory functions, composition, authority and finance of the statutory HFA. We consider that it is premature to establish a statutory HFA at this stage. The Government has decided to first take harbourfront enhancement works to the next level before further deliberations on the proposal. The Government will partner with the HC and implement harbourfront enhancement initiatives through a dedicated team and with dedicated funding, with a view to further extending the waterfront promenade along both sides of the Victoria Harbour, beautifying areas in the vicinity and improving the accessibility to the waterfront for the enjoyment of all. The Government has earmarked $500 million for the first stage for taking forward harbourfront development.
At this stage, the Government will first enhance the role and involvement of the HC in the implementation of harbourfront projects, and make use of the $500 million dedicated funding to take forward harbourfront enhancement projects with guidance and inputs from the HC on the formulation, study, prioritisation and implementation of these projects. We will also seek resources to strengthen the manpower of the existing Harbour Unit under the DEVB and set up a dedicated Harbour Office to support the work of the HC. The dedicated Harbour Office, which would have project implementation and contract management capabilities, would be supported by multi-disciplinary staff and would make use of the dedicated funding to take forward harbourfront enhancement projects including development and management of specific sites in accordance with the guidance and inputs from the HC. We will first recruit a non-civil service contract architect for the time being. Depending on future needs, we will recruit additional staff as appropriate. Meanwhile, the Government will continue to keep in view public views on harbourfront enhancement and further consider the mechanism for facilitating harbourfront enhancement.
2 Relevant details are available at the website
3 Please see LegCo Paper No. CB(1)51/16-17(07).
Energizing Kowloon East
We commenced a consultancy study in February 2016 to formulate a framework strategy, set direction and priority for the Smart City development in Kowloon East. We will carry out proof-of-concept trials including kerbside loading and unloading bay monitoring system; persona-based pedestrian navigation; crowd management for major events; and data sharing parking vacancies and energy consumption of buildings within the district with a view to exploring the effectiveness of different innovations, and review implementation approach and strategy. We also collaborate with different research and academic institutions, using Kowloon East as a major component in investigating Smart City development.
On releasing development potential, we will commence a review of the future use of the land released from the relocation of the Ngau Tak Kok Divisional Police Station, which is expected to be in around 2020.
We plan to consult the public this year on two studies related to Kai Tak Fantasy project, one on the design plan of the former airport runway tip and the other on the preliminary proposals for development of the Kwun Tong Action Area.
Enforcement against Domestic Use in Industrial Buildings
ndustrial buildings (IBs) are not designed for domestic use and such use will pose a significantly high level of risk to the inhabitants. We will actively consider introducing new legislative provisions to strengthen the Buildings Department (BD)’s enforcement efforts against illegal domestic use in IBs, including enhancing BD’s power in entering suspected domestic units for investigation, and imposing criminal sanction against owners, principal tenants and directors of companies who operate such units. Our target is to brief this Panel on the legislative proposals in the second quarter of 2017.
Pier Improvement Programme
We propose to launch a Pier Improvement Programme (PIP) to enhance the structural and facility standard of some existing piers in remote rural areas in phases, in order to respond to the public requests and improve the accessibility to some remote scenic spots and natural heritages, including the famous Geopark, Marine Parks, historic buildings, etc. We plan to seek the approval of the Finance Committee (FC) of the LegCo in mid-2017 for creation of a new block vote to fund the PIP. Subject to funding approval of the FC, we will carry out investigation and detailed design of the initial phase of the PIP, covering about 10 remote rural piers, in 2017 and strive to commence works in late 2019.
On-going Initiatives
Increasing Housing Land Supply in the Short to Medium Term
Land Use Reviews
As announced in the 2013 and 2014 Policy Addresses, we have identified in total some 190 potential housing sites, most of which we aim to make available in the five years of 2014-15 to 2018-19 for housing development, with a view to providing over 250 000 flats, with over 70% of them for public housing, subject to timely amendments to their statutory plans and/or completion of the necessary procedures. As of mid-January 2017, 93 sites had been zoned or rezoned for housing development, and are estimated to provide a total of about 112 100 housing units. Another 21 sites have their statutory rezoning procedures initiated; and if completed are estimated to provide a total of about 13 600 housing units.
Increasing Development Intensity where Planning Terms Permit
The Government announced in the 2014 Policy Address that except for the north of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula which are more densely populated, the maximum domestic plot ratio that can be allowed for housing sites located in other Density Zones of the Main Urban Areas and New Towns would be raised generally by about 20% as appropriate. As of end 2016, TPB has approved applications of 44 sites for increase in development intensity, resulting in an increase of 8 640 additional flats (including the increase of about 4 920 units in the Kai Tak Development Area).
We have recently completed the review on further increasing the development intensity and land use of the Kai Tak Development and confirmed that, in overall terms, the residential flats can be increased to about 50 000 units while the commercial gross floor area (GFA) can be increased to about 2 300 000 m2. We are conducting public consultation on the proposal and will amend the Kai Tak Outline Zoning Plan in accordance with the Town Planning Ordinance.
Private Housing Land Supply
In 2016-17, a total of 22 residential sites have been sold/will be put up for sale, which are capable of providing about 14 700 flats. This is the highest flat production capacity of government land sale sites since the Government-initiated sale mechanism was introduced in 2010-11. As of mid-January 2017, the private housing land supply in the same financial year from various sources, including government land sale, railway property development projects, projects of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), private development or redevelopment projects, was estimated to have a total capacity to provide over 19 000 flats, exceeding the annual target for the third consecutive year; the aggregate private housing land supply from various sources from 2012-13 to 2016-17 was estimated to be capable of providing about 96 600 flats4 . In particular, during the same period, the Government sold/will sell 115 residential sites capable of providing about 51 100 flats; 15 railway property development projects were tendered, which are estimated to provide about 23 900 flats. The remaining committed railway property development projects pending tender are capable of providing about 14 000 units in the short to medium term.
The Government will closely monitor the market situation and continue to supply more private housing sites to the market, with a view to promoting steady development of the property market.
(d) Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premium (Pilot Scheme)
The Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premium (Pilot Scheme) was launched for a trial period of two years in October 2014 to facilitate agreement between the Government and private land owners on land premium payable for lease modification/land exchange applications through arbitration. As of mid-December 2016, Lands Department (LandsD) had extended a total of 18 invitations, including one completed arbitration case. An applicant in another case decided, after agreeing to arbitration, to accept the land premium proposed by LandsD, hence obviating the need for arbitration. The applicants of the remaining 16 cases chose to continue to negotiate premium with LandsD. In addition, LandsD had rejected an application for arbitration involving no increase in residential floor area. Given the limited number of completed arbitration cases, LandsD has extended the Pilot Scheme for two more years from end October 2016 in order to accumulate more experience. A review will be conducted afterwards. LandsD will continue to select suitable lease modification/land exchange cases and invite relevant applicants to determine premium through arbitration. Private land owners are also welcome to apply for arbitration in respect of their respective lease modification/land exchange applications under processing.
Development of Former Diamond Hill Squatter Areas and Quarry Sites
The development of the former Diamond Hill Squatter Areas (Tai Hom Village) as well as the former Cha Kwo Ling Kaolin Mine (CKLKM) and Anderson Road Quarry (ARQ) is in good progress. The former Diamond Hill Squatter Areas will provide some 4 050 public housing flats, the former CKLKM site can provide some 2 270 flats, and the ARQ site is estimated to have a capacity to produce about 9 410 flats. We are also considering making use of private developers’ capacity to expedite these developments and are further studying the financial viability of the former Lamma Quarry development.
4 The forecast figures of the private housing land supply in 2016-17 will be adjusted after the end of 2016-17 in accordance with the actual land supply.
Medium to Long-term Land Supply
New Development Areas and New Town Extension
NDAs and new town extension are major source of land supply to meet the medium to long-term housing, social and economic development needs of Hong Kong. The implementation of KTN and FLN NDAs, TCNTE, HSK NDA and YLS development are in good progress. These development projects are expected to provide close to 200 000 housing units and over 8.6 million m2 of industrial and commercial floor area between 2023 and 2038.
The KTN and FLN NDAs will be implemented as an extension to the Fanling/Sheung Shui New Town providing about 60 000 new units for an additional population of about 173 000 and creating about 37 000 new jobs. The proportion of public housing, including public rental and subsidised sale flats, will be about 60%. The KTN and FLN NDAs development will be implemented in phases for first population intake expected to take place in 2023 at the earliest.
We will continue to take forward and implement the development of TCNTE to tie in with the development of Lantau, turning Tung Chung into a distinct and more comprehensively developed new town. TCNTE will provide about 49 400 new flats with the first population intake expected in 2023. Detailed design and site investigation have already commenced in June 2016. Subject to funding approval of LegCo, the Government aims to start reclamation in Tung Chung East in 2018.
For the HSK NDA, a Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) has been formulated for the area, which will provide about 441 ha of developable land. The HSK NDA will be the next generation new town for a total population of about 218 000 (including a new population of about 176 000). It will provide about 61 000 additional flats and 150 000 job opportunities. The Revised RODP was promulgated on 5 September 2016 and the Government is proceeding with the preparation of the Outline Zoning Plan for the NDA. According to the latest programme, construction works will be completed by phases with the first population intake expected in 2024.
The Planning & Engineering (P&E) Study on the Housing Sites in YLS was commissioned in November 2012 to examine the development potential of the degraded brownfield land for housing purpose and other uses with supporting infrastructure and community facilities, and improving the environment. The last Stage 3 Community Engagement (CE3) on the draft RODP was conducted from January to April 2016. Taking into account the views received during CE3, the RODP is under preparation. According to the draft RODP, the YLS development would accommodate a total population of about 85 000, providing about 27 700 new flats with 60% for public housing. The proposal would also generate about 10 800 job opportunities. Subject to further detailed technical assessments, the first population intake is anticipated to be in 2027.
Re-planning of Tseung Kwan O Area 137
As part of the Government’s on-going efforts in identifying suitable areas for the long-term development of Hong Kong, we commenced in end-2016 a P&E study for the re-planning of Tseung Kwan O Area 137, which is a sizeable piece of land in the urban area with potential for large-scale developments. We will explore in the study the feasibility of residential, commercial and other developments, with a view to making more optimal use of this some 80 ha of formed land, after accommodating the desalination plant and taking into account considerations including the potential environmental impact, as well as traffic and infrastructural capacities.
Siu Ho Wan Depot Site and Property Development along Rail Lines
In the medium to long term, potential railway property development projects can provide over 21 000 residential units. Among others, Environmental Impact Assessment and various technical studies are being carried out for the planned comprehensive residential and commercial development at the Siu Ho Wan Depot Site which can provide no less than 14 000 residential flats in the medium to long term with relevant commercial and community facilities. The development parameters will be kept under review with regard to the results of on-going studies to optimise the utilisation of the site as far as possible. The Government plans to commence statutory planning procedures for the relevant area in 2017-18, and will follow up with MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) as appropriate on the various technical matters and related details based on the results of the technical studies. The topside development above West Rail Pat Heung Depot can also provide about 6 000 units in the medium to long term. In collaboration with the MTRCL, the Government will continue to explore the development potential of railway stations and related sites along existing and new railway lines to make optimal use of such land.
Reclamation Outside the Victoria Harbour and Rock Cavern Development
On rock cavern development, we continue the investigation and detailed design for the relocation of the Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to caverns, which is in good progress and scheduled for staged completion from 2017 onward. We will implement the construction works in phases with a view to releasing the site of the existing sewage treatment works of about 28 ha for housing and other beneficial uses.
We have substantially completed the feasibility studies on the relocation of three other government facilities to caverns, viz. the Diamond Hill Fresh Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs, the Sai Kung Sewage Treatment Works and the Sham Tseng Sewage Treatment Works. We will carry out public consultations on the land use options of the released sites, of about 6 ha in total, in preparation for the next phase of work.
On implementation of the recommendations of the study on the long-term strategy for cavern development, we will promulgate a territory-wide Cavern Master Plan to delineate areas suitable for cavern development including provision of technical information for reference of potential cavern project proponents. At the same time, we will formulate guidelines to facilitate future cavern developments including proactive consideration of cavern options in the planning of certain new government facilities. We will also set priorities for systematic relocation of selected government facilities, and carry out a technical study on underground quarrying for cavern development.
We will complete the technical studies for the proposed Siu Ho Wan, Lung Kwu Tan and Ma Liu Shui reclamations this year. We intend to commence a P&E study for Ma Liu Shui reclamation of about 60 ha as soon as practicable which will also consider the future planning of the adjoining 28-ha site vacated after relocation of the Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works into caverns with a view to providing land for development of high technology and knowledge-based industries, housing and other uses. To provide land for industrial and other uses, we plan to commence a P&E study as soon as possible for Lung Kwu Tan reclamation of about 200 ha. We will also strive to seek funding approval for commencing a P&E study for the proposed Sunny Bay reclamation as early as possible.
Underground Space Development
We are continuing the detailed study on underground space development for Causeway Bay, Happy Valley, Admiralty/Wan Chai and Tsim Sha Tsui West. Public consultations are under way on sites with underground space development potential, including Kowloon Park, Victoria Park and Southorn Playground, in preparation for the next stage of preliminary planning and technical assessment work.
Development of the New Territories North
Apart from KTN, FLN and HSK NDAs and YLS, there are vast tracts of undeveloped land in the NTN (including land released from the Frontier Closed Area) that could be considered for meeting the long-term development needs of Hong Kong. A preliminary feasibility study on developing the NTN (NTN Study) was commissioned in early 2014 for a comprehensive review of the land use planning for the area. The findings of the NTN Study related to the two development scenarios and three potential development areas (PDAs) were promulgated in the context of the PE for Hong Kong 2030+. The two development scenarios were proposed to accommodate population intake from 255 000 to 350 000. The three PDAs include the San Tin/Lok Ma Chau Development Node, Man Kam To Logistics Corridor, and NTN New Town at Ping Che, Ta Kwu Ling, Heung Yuen Wai, Hung Lung Hang and Queen’s Hill with a total development area of about 720 ha.
Lantau Development and Conservation
Topside Development at Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities Island of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
While we are continuing with the study to explore the optimal utilization land at the HKBCF Island of the HZMB through topside and underground developments for commercial and other economic uses, we will conduct the Stage 2 CE in the first half of this year to collect public views on the draft RODP, which will provide a total GFA of up to 500 000 m2 for development.
Local Improvement Initiatives
We are continuing the planned improvement works for revitalisation of Mui Wo and Tai O in stages, as well as for Ma Wan Chung under the TCNTE. We are carrying out the improvement and expansion works for the mountain bike trail networks in south Lantau and the improvement works to the sharp road bends at Keung Shan Road and South Lantau Road. We are also working closely with the relevant departments to increase car parking spaces in south Lantau and to monitor the implementation of the first phase of traffic relaxation measures for access of tour coaches and private cars to the closed roads in south Lantau.
East Lantau Metropolis
The basic concept of ELM is to create artificial islands by reclamations in the waters near Kau Yi Chau and the Hei Ling Chau Typhoon Shelter, and to make better use of the under-utilised land in Mui Wo, with the aim of creating a smart, liveable and low-carbon development cluster with a CBD3. The ELM would provide the much needed land and space for decanting the existing urban areas upon redevelopment. It also provides a new platform to leverage development potential spurred by the new and improved transport connections extending from the traditional CBD to the Pearl River Delta east and west. We will seek funding approval from LegCo to take forward strategic studies for constructing the artificial islands in the central waters for the development of the ELM at an appropriate time.
Commercial/Business and Industrial Sites
In 2016-17, a total of 7 commercial/business sites (about 503 000 m2 of GFA) were sold/will be put up for sale. This is a record high since 2010-11 when the Government refined the land sale arrangement to introduce Government-initiated Sale Mechanism. In addition, a total of 2 industrial sites (about 52 000 m2 of GFA) were sold/will be put up for sale in 2016-17. Land sale by the Government for commercial and industrial uses in the current financial year can provide about 555 000 m2 of GFA, exceeding the aggregate supply in the preceding four financial years. From 2012-13 to 2016-17, the Government has supplied a total of 23 commercial/business/industrial sites to the market, providing over one million square metres of GFA.
The Government will continue to increase commercial land supply to facilitate the development of economic activities. One of the supply sources is to convert suitable government sites into commercial use. In 2016, the Murray Road Public Carpark site in Central and Queensway Plaza in Admiralty were rezoned for commercial/office uses. The government site on Caroline Hill Road in Causeway Bay will also be released for commercial and other uses.
Energizing Kowloon East
The Government continues to push ahead the policy initiatives of Energizing Kowloon East. We announced our Conceptual Master Plan version 5.0 in November 2016 which is a continuous improvement on our previous versions, incorporating public views collected from many engagement activities.
At present, Kowloon East has more than 2.3 million m2 of commercial/office floor area. It is estimated that Kowloon East will potentially provide about 7 million m2 in total in future. A total of 30 private development/conversion projects have been completed since 2012, producing about 610 000 m2 of commercial/office floor area. The estimated supply of new commercial/office floor area in Kowloon East in the coming five years is around 900 000 m2, including about 370 000 m2 from the six pieces of government land sold since 2012. The momentum of increasing commercial/office supply in Kowloon East will continue.
To expedite the release of development potential in Kowloon East, we are implementing gradually the relocation of the existing government facilities including the vehicle examination centres, waste recycling centre and driving test centre in the Kowloon Bay and Kwun Tong Action Areas to provide more commercial/office floor space.
We continue to implement the concept of "walkable" Kowloon East to improving the pedestrian environment and traffic conditions. These include carrying out detailed design for an additional footbridge next to Kowloon Bay MTR Station to enhance connectivity with the future East Kowloon Cultural Centre and nearby residential areas, and detailed design for the extension and face-lifting of the pedestrian subway network connecting to Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station, face-lifting of a public transport interchange and improvement of pedestrian facilities to create a comfortable walking environment for pedestrians heading for the business area and the promenade. We continue to collaborate with different organisations and government departments on the back alley project with the spirit of co-creation and social inclusion to further improve pedestrian connectivity.
On improving the environment, we continue to showcase the industrial culture of Kowloon East as design elements at the Tsun Yip Street Playground and other parks that will undergo improvements in Kowloon East under the theme of "The Spirit of Creation". We also enrich and update the Green Map on Energizing Kowloon East Office’s website, showing green buildings which have obtained BEAM Plus Gold or above rating in Kowloon East. A total of 23 buildings in the area have achieved such accredited rating.
"Diversity" is one of our key development strategies. We continue to develop the spaces beneath Kwun Tong Bypass into the “Fly the Flyover 0123" project. "Place-making" is applied to the project to transform the spaces into uniquely designed and vibrant venues with facilities related to culture, art, leisure as well as green and healthy city to tie in with the Kwun Tong waterfront development.
The transformation of Kowloon East into CBD2 is a complex process, and we have to strike a balance among the needs of different stakeholders. As of December 2016, more than 520 briefings, seminars, workshops, forums, exhibitions and visits with more than 13 000 participants were held. Besides, about 200 place-making activities by various groups with more than 560 000 participants were held at "Fly the Flyover 01" and the former airport runway tip. We will continue to maintain a close dialogue with the community to gauge public views to further improve our work on Kowloon East.
We are continuing the detailed feasibility study for the Environmentally Friendly Linkage System for Kowloon East and will consult the public on the recommended transport mode with a view to commencing the next phase of the study.
Common Spatial Data Infrastructure
We are working to promote the establishment of a "Common Spatial Data Infrastructure" (CSDI) to provide bureaux and departments, as well as public and private organisations with an information infrastructure for sharing of spatial data, supporting various smart city applications, and dovetailing with the smart city blueprint. We will commission a consultancy study in the first quarter of 2017 aiming to formulate the overall CSDI development strategy and roadmap from the "joined-up government" and "spatially-enabled society" perspectives.
Harbourfront Development
Enhancing Building Safety in Hong Kong
Apart from taking enforcement action against domestic units in industrial buildings as well as other sub-divided units mentioned in paragraph 29, the Government will continue to adopt a multi-pronged approach in enhancing building safety in Hong Kong. Among others, we will work closely with the Hong Kong Housing Society and the URA to assist owners in need to carry out repair and maintenance works through the Operation Building Bright, the Integrated Building Maintenance Assistance Scheme, the "Smart Tender" Building Rehabilitation Facilitating Services (Pilot Scheme) and other assistance schemes. We will also continue to launch various publicity initiatives through tailor-made channels to foster a building safety culture in Hong Kong and disseminate building safety messages.
Urban Renewal
The Government promulgated the Urban Renewal Strategy on 24 February 2011 (the 2011 URS). In line with the 2011 URS, the URA continues its role as an "implementer" for redevelopment by initiating redevelopment projects on its own and by responding to joint approaches from building owners to initiate redevelopment of their buildings/lots under the Demand-led Redevelopment Project (Pilot Scheme). As of end December 2016, URA had commenced 60 redevelopment projects since its inception. These projects have produced/have the potential of producing a total of about 18 200 residential units.
At the same time, URA also continues its role as a "facilitator" for redevelopment by assisting owners of old buildings to assemble property interests with a view to seeking their joint sale in the market for redevelopment. The revised Facilitating Services (Pilot Scheme) launched in November 2015 has shortened the processing time from two years to nine months. The joint sale of one project site has been successfully facilitated and three applications are under processing. Moreover, since May 2016, a new pilot scheme has been put in place to provide facilitating services to building owners under the Civil Servants’ Co-operative Building Society Scheme and the Government Built Housing Scheme under a separate queue. Two applications are under processing.
Last year, for the first time, the URA introduced a holistic and district-based approach for implementing its redevelopment projects in To Kwa Wan, so as to raise the quality of the environment and improve the road networks by enhancing the overall planning for the community. While undertaking redevelopment, we must also explore effective ways of addressing the problem of ageing building stock. The URA plans to conduct a district planning study for Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok on a pilot basis. The study aims to explore how to enhance the efficiency of existing land use and redevelopment potential of these districts. At the same time, the URA will also conduct a study on building rehabilitation strategies to formulate appropriate and sustainable measures to prolong the life span of the buildings and explore the feasibility of "retrofitting" as a proposal for building rehabilitation.
The Urban Renewal Fund set up by URA has recently concluded the third round exercise of the Urban Renewal Heritage Preservation and District Revitalisation Funding Scheme. The approved projects would commence by the third quarter of 2017.
Lifts and Escalators
The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) will continue enforcing the Lifts and Escalators Ordinance (LEO) (Cap. 618) including the registration of qualified persons, providing assistance to Responsible Persons5 (who include building owners) to manage their lifts and escalators, conducting inspections, promoting modernisation of aged lifts and public education to enhance the knowledge of the public in lift and escalator safety and for Responsible Persons on their obligations under the LEO. EMSD undertook various work in 2016 including updating the Performance Assessment Scheme for the Contractors’ Performance Rating System, releasing for public reference the lift maintenance prices for private residential and commercial buildings, and launching the promotion of modernisation of aged escalators.
Enhancing External Link
The construction works for the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point (BCP) are in good progress since the commencement of works in July 2013. Up to end 2016, the connecting road and the Passenger Terminal Building have been over 40% and 30% completed respectively. We will make our best endeavours to complete the BCP project in 2018.
Cycle Track Network
We are continuing the development of the NT cycle track network in phases. Since the opening of the cycle track section from Ma On Shan to Sheung Shui in 2014, we will open another cycle track section from Tuen Mun to Yuen Long early this year. We also commenced in June 2016 the construction of the cycle track section from Yuen Long to Sheung Shui for completion in early 2020. By that time, the public will be able to enjoy the entire cycle track section from Ma On Shan to Tuen Mun with a total length of 60 kilometres. Apart from the above, we will commence the detailed design of the cycle track section from Tuen Mun to So Kwun Wat whilst continuing the review of the alignment of the remaining cycle track sections from Tsuen Wan to Tuen Mun.
5 Responsible Person is a person who owns the lift or escalator or any other person who has the management or control of the lift or escalator.