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January to March 2021

Entry / Reference Number Information requested and released
WB/32/2020 1. Reports on Territory-wide Survey of Historical Buildings 1996-2000
2. Complete list of 8803 surveyed buildings
WB/33/2020 Information of all surveys conducted by the Antiquities and Monuments Office on historic buildings in Sham Shui Po District

April to June 2021

Entry / Reference Number Information requested and released
WB/3/2021 1. Territory-wide survey report on 8800 buildings in HK built before 1950 by AMO in 1996-2000
2. Complete list of 8800 surveyed buildings
WB/4/2021 1. Territory-wide survey report on 8800 buildings in HK built before 1950 by AMO in 1996-2000
2. Complete list of 8800 surveyed buildings
WB/5/2021 1. Territory-wide survey report on 8800 buildings in HK built before 1950 by AMO in 1996-2000
2. Complete list of 8800 surveyed buildings
WB/6/2021 Complete list of buildings under the Territory-wide survey report on 8800 buildings in HK built before 1950 by AMO in 1996-2000
WB/7/2021 Information on the territory-wide survey on 8800 buildings in HK built before 1950 by AMO in 1996-2000

1. Complete list of the 8800 surveyed buildings
2. Territory-wide survey report on 8800 buildings in HK built before 1950 by AMO in 1996-2000

WB/10/2021 1. Territory-wide survey report on 8800 buildings in HK built before 1950 by AMO in 1996-2000
2. Complete list of 8800 surveyed buildings
WB/11/2021 List of waterworks in Hong Kong that are declared monuments and graded historic buildings
WB/13/2021 Number of civil engineering graduate trainees under the Graduate Training Scheme assigned to each works department
WB/14/2021 Information on the short-term lease of vacant units and the open space at Ex-Ma Tau Kok Animal Quarantine Depot (Cattle Depot)
WB/16/2021 Information on tree management in Hong Kong
WB/17/2021 Information on 35 past recruitment exercises of professional grades

July to September 2021

There was no new entry in this quarter.

October to December 2021

There was no new entry in this quarter.


Note: The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.