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Boards & Committees

Financial Secretary

Non-official Members
Professor Cai Hong-bin
Mr Eric Chan Cho-biu, BBS
Hon Chan Han-pan, BBS, JP
Hon Chan Yuet-ming, MH
Professor Chen Guan-hua
Dr Rocky Cheng Chung-ngam 
Ms Cheng Jie
Hon Duncan Chiu
Dr Jonathan Choi Koon-shum, GBM, GBS, JP
Hon Holden Chow Ho-ding, JP
Dr Joe Fang Zhou, JP
Dr Hu Zhang-hong, JP
Hon Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, GBM, GBS, JP
Mr Ryan Ip Man-ki
Mr Jiang Tie-feng
Hon Jeffrey Lam Kin-fung, GBM, GBS, JP
Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing, SBS, JP
Hon Andrew Lam Siu-lo, SBS, JP
Hon Kenneth Lau Ip-keung, SBS, MH, JP
Hon Lau Kwok-fan, MH, JP
Mr Lee Shing-put, BBS
Ir Sunny Lee Wai-kwong, BBS, JP
Mr David Liao Yi-chien, JP
Ir Dr Hon Lo Wai-kwok, GBS, MH, JP
Hon Louis Loong Hon-biu
Hon Luk Chung-hung, JP
Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah, MH, JP
Ir Eric Ma Siu-cheung, GBS, JP
Mr Simon Ng Ka-wing
Dr Allen Shi Lop-tak, SBS, MH, JP
Mr Sun Yu, JP
Hon Michael Tien Puk-sun, BBS, JP
Hon Tony Tse Wai-chuen, BBS, JP
Ir Albert Wong Hak-keung
Professor Jonathan Wong Woon-chung, BBS, MH, JP
Dr Hon Kennedy Wong Ying-ho, BBS, JP
Hon Frankie Yick Chi-ming, GBS, JP
Dr Daniel Yip Chung-yin, BBS, JP
Ir Hon Gary Zhang Xin-yu

Ex-officio Members
Deputy Financial Secretary
Secretary for Development
Secretary for Transport and Logistics
Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry
Secretary for Environment and Ecology
Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands)
Permanent Secretary for Development (Works)
Director, Northern Metropolis Co-ordination Office

Secretary:   Deputy Director, Northern Metropolis Co-ordination Office

Terms of Reference
To advise the Government on the planning and implementation of the Northern Metropolis, on such aspects as land and housing development, development of industries, transport and other infrastructure development, environment conservation and provision of public facilities.