Secretary for Development
Non-official Members
Professor Cai Hong-bin
Hon Chan Han-pan, BBS, JP
Hon Chan Yuet-ming, MH
Professor Chen Guan-hua
Dr Joe Fang Zhou, JP
Mr Ryan Ip Man-ki
Hon Jeffrey Lam Kin-fung, GBM, GBS, JP
Professor Paul Lam Kwan-sing, SBS, JP
Hon Andrew Lam Siu-lo, SBS, JP
Hon Kenneth Lau Ip-keung, SBS, MH, JP
Hon Lau Kwok-fan, MH, JP
Mr Lee Shing-put, BBS
Hon Louis Loong Hon-biu
Ir Eric Ma Siu-cheung, GBS, JP
Hon Tony Tse Wai-chuen, BBS, JP
Professor Jonathan Wong Woon-chung, BBS, MH, JP
Hon Frankie Yick Chi-ming, GBS, JP
Dr Daniel Yip Chung-yin, BBS, JP
Ir Hon Gary Zhang Xin-yu
Co-opted members:
Mr Chan Chak-bun
Mr Chan Kin-yip, BBS, MH
Mr Paul Chan Yuen-king
Mr Chiu Kam-kuen
Mr Thomas Lee
Professor Kenneth Leung Mei-yee, JP
Dr Anthony Lu Xiao-feng
Dr Simon Yeung
Mr Barry Wilson
Ex-officio Members
Secretary for Environment and Ecology
Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands)
Director, Northern Metropolis Co-ordination Office
Director of Planning
Director of Civil Engineering and Development
Director of Lands
Director of Environmental Protection
Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
Secretary: Chief Executive Officer (Northern Metropolis)
Terms of Reference
To advise the Government on planning, land, conservation and related issues of the Northern Metropolis, including –
(a) spatial layout, land use and implementation arrangement, etc. of the land development of the Northern Metropolis;
(b) measures to enhance environmental capacity of the Northern Metropolis, such as the wetland conservation park initiative, promotion of agriculture and fisheries development, etc.; and
(c) any other relevant matters as suggested by the Advisory Committee on the Northern Metropolis.