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Boards & Committees

Development Bureau
Works Policies 1 Section
15/F, West Wing, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong

Fax No.: 2981 6822

Permanent Secretary for Development (Works)

Director of Building
Director of Housing Department
Director of Civil Engineering and Development Department
Director of Highways
Director of Architectural Services
Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services
Director of Drainage
Director of Water Supplies
Deputy Secretary for Development (Works) 1
Head of Project Strategy and Governance Office

Members (on a need basis)
Representative of Transport and Logistics Bureau 
Representative of Housing Bureau
Representative of Health Bureau
Representative of Planning and Lands Branch, Development Bureau
Representative of Census and Statistics Department
Representative of Labour Department
Representative of Immigration Department

Principal Assistant Secretary for Development (Works) 1

Terms of Reference

  1. To advise Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) (PSW) on each individual application received under the Labour Importation Scheme for the Construction Sector (“Scheme”) including whether the application should be supported and any condition of approval is required;
  2. To plan for and regularly review the need of imported personnel for eligible public sector work contracts;
  3. To monitor progress of approved contracts and keep track of upcoming contracts eligible for application and accordingly advise PSW on overall quota allocation and quota approved for individual contracts;
  4. To advise PSW on any necessary adjustment to the operation of the Scheme, including quota ceiling, scope of eligible public sector works, application procedures, documentation requirements, having regard to the experience in the implementation of the Scheme and any views of the Consultative Committee for the Scheme; and
  5. To note the reports on the compliance issues of applicants and recommend any suitable actions as required.