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Construction Sector Matters

Any firms wishing to be considered for admission to the List of Approved Contractors for Public Works and/or the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works for the purpose of carrying out government contracts are invited to apply to the Development Bureau, 15/F, West Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong, stating the categories of works in which they are interested.

Invitations of tenders from contractors on the Lists will be published in the Government Gazette normally for government contracts with estimated value exceeding a certain limit. Tender invitations for works contracts under that limit may only be published on the Government web site ( ) on the Internet. Tender received will be subject to check on the contractor's eligibility to tender.

Qualifications, requirements and other criteria for a contractor to apply for admission to the Lists, please refer to:

Should you wish to apply as public works contractors, please fill in the following forms:

Contractors should note that once they are on any or all of the above-mentioned List(s), their information including performance records kept and the history of regulating actions imposed by DEVB or a Government department may be released to all interested Government departments and the Housing Authority for the purposes of their tender evaluation, taking regulating action and other matters in relation thereto.


The Lists are administered by the Professional Services Section, Development Bureau, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. For enquiry, please contact the Section through

Tel. No.:

(852) 3509 8367
(List of Approved Contractors for Public Works)

(852) 3509 8366
(List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works)

Fax. No.:

(852) 2521 9682


Other Contractor/Supplier/Acceptable Material Lists

Some Works Departments also maintain their own contractor/supplier/acceptable material lists. Information can be found in the following links:

Civil Engineering and Development Department

List of Certified Reinforced Fill Products
Enquiry Telephone No.: (852) 2762 5289

List of Certified Permanent Prestressed Ground Anchors
Enquiry Telephone No.: (852) 2762 5306

Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

Departmental Contractor Lists
Enquiry Telephone No.: (852) 2808 3642

Water Supplies Department

Directory Search for Water Supply Pipes and Fittings with Valid General Acceptance
Enquiry Telephone No.: (852) 2294 2656