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Construction Sector Matters

In an effort to train up our professionals in the construction industry to support the economic development and integration of the Mainland and Hong Kong, we started discussions with the Shenzhen Construction Bureau in August 2003 to jointly arrange a Mainland secondment training programme for our Architectural and Civil Engineering Graduates. We consider that the secondment will broaden the Graduates' perspectives and enhance their knowledge of the system, standards and regulations related to their professions in the Mainland. This will not only improve their competitiveness in their future development in both the Mainland and Hong Kong but also promote the exchange and cooperation in the training of professionals between the two places. In the meantime, the training programme provides Mainland secondment training opportunities to Graduates from the professional disciplines of Architectural, Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering and Quantity Surveying. The programme has also been extended to other Mainland cities including Guangzhou, Chongqing and Sichuan.

The secondment training is recognized by the corresponding Hong Kong professional institutions as part of their approved training. The scope of training covered procedures for establishing a project, planning, design practices and approval procedures, procedures for works commencement, tendering, contract management, safety and quality supervision as well as procedures for works completion, etc. On the whole, the Graduates who participated in the programme considered that the contents of the secondment training were very suitable. The secondment has not only strengthened their knowledge of the relevant professions in the Mainland, but also would be very useful for their future development in the profession. To date, 129 Graduates have participated in the programme.