Making use of advantages to develop economy and create jobs

The Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area (HSK NDA) Planning and Engineering Study Stage Two Community Engagement was launched on July 15. The HSK NDA is another important project after the North East New Territories New Development Areas (NENT NDAs) – Fanling/Sheung Shui/Kwu Tung New Town. The development potential of Hung Shui Kiu was first recognised in the Territorial Development Strategy Review in the early 1990s. Later, in 2007, the Hong Kong 2030: Planning Vision and Strategy recommended proceeding with the NDA developments to address long-term housing needs and to create more employment opportunities. The HSK NDA was included as one of the projects for diversified development.

There are many brownfield sites within the HSK NDA and over 190 hectares (ha) of land (equal to 23 per cent of the total area) is used for open storage and port backup purposes. During the Stage One Community Engagement, the public generally supported the project and opined that the Government should consolidate the development of brownfield sites and adopt a flexible approach to assist legal operators in providing backup services for the logistics industry and creating employment opportunities for the local community.

The HSK NDA commands a strategic location linking the Hong Kong International Airport, the North West New Territories, Shenzhen and the Greater Pearl River Delta. Seventy-two ha of land will be reserved for “Special Industry” (the Logistics and Technology Quarter) to accommodate logistics, testing and certification, information technology (including data centre) and telecommunications industries as well as business uses. As the NDA lies between Tuen Mun and Yuen Long and adjoins the Tin Shui Wai New Town, its planning should tie in with the developments in the existing new towns, and jobs should be provided for people of different skill levels, so as to promote economic activities in the whole region and enhance the livelihood of the community.

Let me briefly explain the preliminary outline development plan of the NDA and respond to the initial opinions on some important issues.

Preliminary Outline Development Plan:

(1)  The NDA has an area of approximately 826ha, 445ha of which are developable areas;
(2)  A new population of 175 000 (excluding an existing population of about 43 000);
(3)  About 60 000 new housing units;
(4)  About 100 000 new employment opportunities;
(5)  Proposed plot ratios for most sites range from 3.5 to 6.5, while the    plot ratio for the town centre with mixed developments is 8;
(6)  The housing mix is 51 (public):49 (private); and
(7)  The first intake of population is targeted for 2024.

Overall planning and design features

The NDA will have two town centres. The major town centre is planned around the proposed West Rail Hung Shui Kiu Station, while a secondary hub will be located near the existing West Rail Tin Shui Wai Station. The former is intended to be a regional commercial and business hub in the North West New Territories with a large-scale shopping facility and other shops and services, office and hotel uses, and high-density residential developments. The latter will provide additional commercial facilities for the residents of Tin Shui Wai, and there will be a variety of retail and commercial uses in the adjoining areas. The two town centres will provide a large number of jobs suitable for people of different skill levels. The former will have direct access to the Kong Sham Western Highway nearby to avoid having heavy vehicles use the roads within the residential neighbourhood.

The residential developments will be mainly situated at the eastern and northern parts of the NDA and south of Castle Peak Road. A variety of community facilities will be provided at the eastern and northern parts for shared use by the neighbouring communities of Tin Shui Wai and Lau Fau Shan. The residential and village settlements south of Castle Peak Road will be retained, while sewerage and drainage provisions of this area will be improved. Different kinds of recreational facilities, cycle tracks and a pedestrian network will be provided. Visual corridors, appropriate arrangement of buildings and varied building heights will allow for visual linkage with surrounding natural features and air ventilation. In addition, we will consider introducing energy-saving measures at different levels.

Public to private housing ratio

We have responded to the aspirations for creating a more balanced community and avoiding a high ratio of public housing. Now the proposed housing ratio is 51 (public):49 (private), taking into account the high ratio of public housing in the nearby Tin Shui Wai New Town. If we put the two districts together, the overall ratio is 69:31.

Transport infrastructure

About 45 per cent of the population in the NDA will reside within a 500-metre walking distance of the two town centres. Moreover, as the NDA is a basin surrounded by mountains, which makes it harder for air pollutants to disperse, we have proposed to remove Tin Ying Road to improve the air quality of the NDA. Meanwhile, areas near the main roads will be made available for developing an environmentally friendly transport system to cope with the needs of a population of more than 210 000 as well as 100 000 people in employment.

Land resumption and clearance

The development plan is still at the initial planning stage. The detailed development plan and the scale of affected areas are yet to be confirmed. It is too early to discuss land resumption, compensation and rehousing. The Government has not yet activated any procedures on land resumption. We fully understand the concerns of the potentially affected households and will communicate with them proactively.

Implementation mechanism

The implementation approach to be considered must be fair and equitable and in the public interest. We remain open to the issue of the implementation mechanism at this stage. About three quarters of the developable land in the NDA is privately owned, including many Tso Tong sites.

The HSK NDA Stage Two Community Engagement will last until October 15. The activities include briefings, community workshop, public forum, roving exhibitions and focus group meetings. We hope all of you will actively participate in these activities and communicate with us through online platforms, so as to assist us in formulating an Outline Development Plan which can positively respond to public aspirations and the needs of the community.

For details of the whole development plan, please click the following link:

21 July, 2013
