聖誕送暖 部門義工活動 (Chinese only)
Dongjiang water reflects our country’s support for stable supply of precious water resources
Water is the origin of life and one of the most precious resources in the world. Since 1960s, our country has been providing uninterrupted supply of Dongjiang (DJ) water to Hong Kong and maintaining a stable quality and quantity to support our sustainable social and economic development. We can hardly rely on local yield collected from rain water to meet the needs of the public, and therefore today, DJ water has accounted for 70% to 80% of our total fresh water demand to resolve our difficulty in water supply. We are very grateful to the country’s support for Hong Kong......
Legislative amendment to increase penalty and strengthen enforcement against overcharging for water
The Government is committed to combating the unscrupulous landlords for overcharging their tenants for water through an inter-departmental and multi-pronged approach, including following up on reports and initiating prosecution, introducing relevant legislative amendments, strengthening joint inspections with other departments, streamlining the procedures for installation of separate water meters of the Water Supplies Department (WSD) for subdivided units (SDUs), etc. The Development Bureau (DEVB) has previously submitted the Waterworks (Amendment) Bill 2023 (the Bill) to the Legislative Council (LegCo), with a view to enhancing the enforcement efficiency and deterrent effect against overcharging for water. This time, I have invited colleagues of the WSD to talk about the amendments covered by the Bill, and how to further improve the Scheme for Installation of Separate Water Meters for Subdivided Units (the Scheme) to encourage the participation of more SDU landlords......
Swiftly dealing with rainstorms Continuously improving drainage works
Due to the effects of extreme weather events, torrential rainfall brought flooding to various districts in Hong Kong. This year’s Policy Address announced that taking forward expeditiously the $8 billion drainage improvement works projects, covering Wong Tai Sin, Hong Kong Island East and other areas hit by severe floods in the past. This time, I have invited colleagues from the Drainage Services Department (DSD) to talk about the response and recovery measures during the passage of previous rainstorms. Two engineering experts will also talk about Hong Kong’s and other international cities’ strategies in coping with extreme weather......
2023 Policy Address Create developable land to build more housing
Just as the Chief Executive mentioned in his recently released Policy Address, sufficient supply of land and housing is the key to making Hong Kong a better place for living and working. The Government is taking all possible steps to spearhead land production, with the Northern Metropolis and the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands being the major sources of land supply in the future. The Government will continue to speed up land production by implementing measures including streamlining of procedures and extension of the arrangement for standardisation of land premium. We will also build a more liveable Hong Kong through initiatives such as facilitating urban renewal to enhance quality, releasing development potential of land and enhancing building safety......
Labour Importation Scheme for the Construction Sector – Quarters in Tam Mi, Yuen Long
To support our future infrastructure development, the construction industry needs a sufficient supply of manpower. Adopting a multi-pronged approach, we work closely with all parties to effectively train and recruit local workers, and also encourage the industry to apply innovative technologies. At the same time, through the Labour Importation Scheme for the Construction Sector, we import supplementary workers to fill in the temporary manpower gap. Recently, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr LAU Chun-kit, Ricky, and I visited the quarters for imported construction labour in Tam Mi, Yuen Long, which are about to commence, for a briefing by representatives of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) on the latest progress of the related preparation work. This time, I have invited a Development Bureau (DEVB) colleague and a CIC representative to talk about the scheme and the quarters’ facilities etc......
“Night Vibes” along waterfront with a series of activities for public enjoyment
Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Let me wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoy the festival with family and friends. Many people, I believe, will go out tonight to appreciate the beauty of the full moon and celebrate the festive occasion. In the coming two months starting from end-September, the Development Bureau (DEVB) will, together with several organisations, hold a series of activities at three harbourfront sites in Wan Chai, Belcher Bay of Kennedy Town and Kwun Tong on weekends as part of the “Night Vibes Hong Kong” campaign, bringing people together to experience the vibrant and enchanting nightlife at the waterfronts against the spectacular views of Victoria Harbour......
Enhanced enforcement action and support against buildings with non-complied notices under the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme
In response to several incidents involving fallen concrete or rendering from external walls of buildings and bringing to light the problem of non-compliance with statutory notices under the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) (hereinafter known as “MBIS notices”), the Development Bureau (DEVB) has announced earlier a series of measures to step up enforcement and provide support for owners or owners’ corporations (OCs) of buildings, with a focus on following up on buildings with non-complied MBIS notices. This time, I have invited colleagues from the DEVB and the Buildings Department (BD) and a representative of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) to talk about the enhanced enforcement and support measures for owners or OCs.....
Drainage Services Department goes the extra mile for two harbourfront projects in East Kowloon
In recent years, the work of the Drainage Services Department (DSD) has not been limited to wastewater treatment and stormwater drainage services. In order to build a more liveable community, colleagues from DSD went the extra mile for several projects near the Tsui Ping River in Kwun Tong. Besides the advanced completion of Tsui Ping Seaside, which connects the waterfront of Kwun Tong and Cha Kwo Ling to create a harbourfront of about 1.7 km, they also completed part of the Cha Kwo Ling waterfront ahead of schedule to tie in with the roof project of the Kwun Tong Sewage Pumping Station (KTSPS). The completion and opening of the Cha Kwo Ling Promenade offers another quality waterfront open space for people living in East Kowloon and across the territory. This time, I have specially invited the Director of DSD, Ms Alice PANG and her colleagues to introduce how they made an important step towards the extension of the harbourfront in East Kowloon.....
Building dreams and a professional career in construction industry - Strengthening manpower training
With a number of mega infrastructure projects upcoming in Hong Kong, the construction industry is entering another golden era, providing job opportunities and a bright future for young people joining the sector. The Government and the Construction Industry Council (CIC) will continue to strengthen manpower training and subsidize the industry to harness innovative technologies, enabling young people to unleash their potential. Here I have invited colleagues from the Works Branch of the Development Bureau (DEVB) to brief us on the work of the Government and the CIC in strengthening the industry’s training and enhancing its professional image. Two young trainees will also share their views on the prospects of the industry......
New Engineering Contract creates win-win co-operation
Since 2009, the Development Bureau (DEVB) has been adopting the New Engineering Contract (NEC) form in public works projects to enhance management efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the projects. With the adoption of the NEC, the DEVB and its works departments have received multiple awards and commendations. This time, the bureau will explain what the NEC is and what its strengths are, and I have invited colleagues from the award-winning departments to share how to achieve an early solution to challenges encountered during construction together with contractors through the NEC form, thereby reducing the risk of delay or cost overrun in works projects……
Encouraging innovative spirit E&M innovation awarded accolades
The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) under the Development Bureau has been offering one-stop engineering and mechanical services to all government departments. Working closely with many universities and research institutes, the EMSD has taken on the role of the “Innovation Facilitator”, providing assistance to various policy bureaux and departments in identifying and applying suitable Innovation and Technology (I&T) solutions in order to improve services and enhance efficiency. I am pleased that the EMSD has achieved excellent results at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva receiving 23 awards this year, which is a record high. This time, I have invited colleagues from the EMSD to tell us how they inject innovative thinking into their work culture and share with us some of the projects that have been awarded accolades......
Actively applying innovative technologies in the development of quality architecture
While strolling around the city, you may notice that the cityscape has been changing… the promenades and leisure facilities along the Victoria Harbour, the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, the Hong Kong Children's Hospital, the government offices & public services buildings, the revitalised historic buildings and so on are of “people-oriented” design with elegant designs. The Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) is providing three main types of services for such government-owned or government-funded facilities: facility development, maintenance as well as monitoring and advisory services……
Full support to non-government organisations’ use of vacant government sites
To optimise the use of land resources, the Government has put in place a scheme “for short-term uses of government sites”, allowing non-government organisations (NGOs) and social enterprises to apply for renting temporary vacant government sites (including vacant school premises) available for community, institutional or non-profit-making uses. To encourage NGOs to make good use of vacant government sites to take forward worthy projects for the community, the Development Bureau (DEVB) launched the $1 billion funding scheme in 2019 to support grantee organisations in pursuing basic restoration works, such as site formation, erection of temporary structures, renovation of existing premises and provision of pedestrian/vehicular access. This time, I have invited colleagues from the DEVB to brief us on the implementation of the funding scheme, and some of the successful applicant organisations will also share with us their experiences in the restoration of vacant sites or school premises......
Revitalising historic buildings — injecting new life into old buildings
As one of the buildings under batch IV of the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme (the Revitalisation Scheme), the Lady Ho Tung Welfare Centre (LHTWC) has been revitalised into the “Lady Ho Tung Welfare Centre Eco-Learn Institute”. I am pleased to have attended its opening ceremony recently to witness the fruits of the revitalisation of this Grade 2 historic building. This time, I have invited the Commissioner for Heritage, Mr CHANG Chi-ho, Ivanhoe, to share with us the efforts involved in taking forward heritage conservation and their plans for the future. Also, a representative of Sik Sik Yuen, the non-profit-making organisation responsible for implementing the revitalisation project of the LHTWC, will introduce us their revitalisation works......
Enhancing flood prevention efficiency and beautifying river environment
Under the impacts of climate change, heavy rainfall caused by extreme weather is becoming more frequent. Earlier, the Hong Kong Observatory issued the first Red Rainstorm Warning Signal this year, but there was no extensive or serious flooding, reflecting the success of the efforts made by the Drainage Services Department (DSD) over the years. This time, I have invited three colleagues from the DSD to talk about how to strive for flood prevention work, beautifying the river environment, and promoting a water-friendly culture……
Cavern development and challenges
To support the sustainable development of Hong Kong, the Government has been adopting a multi-pronged approach to enhance land supply, including proactively exploring cavern development. This time, I have invited a colleague from the Development Bureau (DEVB) to talk about some projects currently underway for relocating/accommodating government facilities into caverns. A colleague from the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) will tell us the constraints and challenges for accommodating facilities in caverns and how to adopt innovative technology to overcome the construction difficulties.....
Comprehensive support on building rehabilitation
Buildings need regular check-ups just as humans do. Early detection of building defects and proper maintenance can ensure the safety of occupants and the general public. With upholding building safety being one of its key priorities, the Development Bureau (DEVB) has adopted a multi-pronged approach to assist members of the public in building a sweet home through enforcement, provision of support, promotion and publicity. This time, colleagues from the DEVB and the Buildings Department (BD) are going to introduce the building rehabilitation schemes and the work on upholding building safety respectively. The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will also interview property owners who have benefitted from the subsidy schemes.……
Tree Planting and Maintenance
Trees are important elements of a liveable city. Apart from providing comfortable shade and visually attractive landscapes, trees can also help lower temperature and improve air quality. Recently, the Development Bureau (DEVB) reviewed the existing tree management arrangement and put forward 10 enhancement measures for the planting and maintenance of roadside trees. I have invited colleagues from the Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section (GLTMS) to share with us some of the key measures……
Taking Forward the Invigorating Island South initiative
The Invigorating Island South (IIS) initiative aims at developing the Southern District into a place for people to work, live, explore new ideas and have fun, with Wong Chuk Hang, Aberdeen and Ap Lei Chau as the focus areas. In 2021, the Development Bureau (DEVB) set up the Invigorating Island South Office (IISO) to co-ordinate and implement various IIS key projects, and to actively participate in projects led by other policy bureaux. Last month, the IISO launched a new website (www.iiso.gov.hk) to release more information about the initiative. You are welcome to browse the website. This time, I have invited colleagues from the IISO to tell us more about the latest situation and future development of the focus areas......
Promoting conservation in South Lantau
With its unique environment, Lantau has a wealth of natural and cultural resources. We have been promoting Lantau’s sustainable development under the overarching principle of “Development in the North; Conservation for the South” set out in the Sustainable Lantau Blueprint. This time, I have invited colleagues from the Sustainable Lantau Office (SLO) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department to introduce the SLO’s work in promoting conservation, sustainable leisure and recreation as well as related supporting facilities in South Lantau. The Chairperson of the Lantau Conservation Fund (LCF) Advisory Committee, Prof. LEUNG Mei-yee, Kenneth, will also share the achievements of LCF-funded projects......
Sharing of spatial data for application development
To promote the development of Hong Kong into a smart city, the Development Bureau (DEVB) and the Lands Department (LandsD) have earlier launched the Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) portal (portal.csdi.gov.hk) and the first 3D Visualisation Map dataset for free public use in a bid to facilitate the development of all kinds of applications by the public, thereby promoting the digital economy and improving living standards. This time, I have invited colleagues from the Spatial Data Office (SDO) under the DEVB and the LandsD to tell us more about the portal and the dataset. Some of the users who have developed applications by making use of data on the portal will also share with us their experiences……
Taking forward harbourfront development on both sides of the Victoria Harbour
The Development Bureau (DEVB) and the Harbourfront Commission (HC) have been committed to taking forward harbourfront development on both sides of the Victoria Harbour. In recent years, we have made efforts in creating “Harbourfront Shared Spaces” under an open management model, which are well-received by the public. Every time, while we are heartened to see the joy of visitors in having fun or taking photos for “checking in” with their family members or friends in the harbourfront areas on both sides of the harbour, we are also driven to ask: how do we consolidate experiences to have a breakthrough in harbourfront development? This time, I have invited the Commissioner for Harbourfront (C for HF) of the DEVB to introduce the latest situation of harbourfront development and the new directions of taking forward harbourfront development……
Multi-Pronged measures to support affected brownfield operators
Among a total of around 1 600 hectares of brownfield sites in the New Territories, around 60 percent will gradually be developed for high-density housing and other uses, due to reasons such as being located within development areas, or the open-air operations thereon are incompatible with the environment and development of the neighbourhood etc. Through development, we hope to make better use of these precious land resources and enhance land use efficiency of these sites. Over the years, the Government has resumed and cleared about 30 hectares of brownfield sites for various development projects, involving around 400 affected brownfield operators. Looking ahead from now till 2026, we expect another 200 hectares of brownfield sites to be gradually resumed and cleared by the Government……
Celebrating Chinese New Year with “New Look” on Kwun Tong Promenade
Today is the first day of the Year of the Rabbit. First of all, let me wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous year with many good fortunes ahead. During the festive period, apart from visiting your relatives and friends, I would like to recommend a good place for you to visit - the public space beneath Kwun Tong Bypass. Not only can you take a leisurely walk along the waterfront promenade, you can also check out the “new look” of the columns supporting the bypass. I have invited a colleague from the Energizing Kowloon East Office (EKEO) under the Development Bureau (DEVB) and the creative team of the winning design to share with us their mural paintings……
Creating land by reclamation Investing in our future – Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands
The project of the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands (KYCAI) will create 1 000 hectares (ha) of land by reclamation to expand the scope and capacity of Hong Kong’s development. We hope that out of the 3 000 odd ha of “disposed sites” to be provided in the coming 10 years, 300 ha of which will come from the artificial islands in order to meet the housing and other community needs and support the sustainable development of Hong Kong in the medium to long term. My colleagues and I submitted an interim report on the project progress to the Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Development about a week ago (29 December 2022). We have started meeting with different sectors (including professional organisations, the financial sector, economists, etc.) tirelessly for exchange on the initial proposal of the project. I can feel that we all share the same goal of taking forward the project successfully with our concerted efforts. I hope the KYCAI, comprising three islands, will provide a living and economic zone of the new generation for Hong Kong so as to enhance the well-being of our people and create a strong impetus for Hong Kong’s growth……