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2024 3 121363 65599 55764 86614 34749
2 124109 67699 56410 90814 33295
1 123649 64210 59439 89964 33685
2023 4 120179 58171 62008 89469 30710
3 109624 50174 59450 83080 26544
2 111049 51244 59805 82956 28093
1 108398 49505 58893 80259 28139
2022 4 107298 49453 57845 79645 27653
3 109680 47582 62098 82113 27567
2 103411 40407 63004 79957 23454
1 98264 41389 56875 74334 23930
2021 4 106630 44252 62378 80484 26146
3 106320 44743 61577 80311 26009
2 106069 43678 62391 84230 21839
1 102702 43129 59573 82999 19703
2020 4 96117 41199 54918 76772 19345
3 93910 39835 54075 75225 18685
2 97642 40135 57507 78484 19158
1 101060 39012 62048 81273 19787
2019 4 99938 37662 62276 81347 18591
3 96891 34331 62560 78298 18593
2 102723 35937 66786 82396 20327
1 107448 37530 69918 86597 20851
2018 4 103017 37716 65301 83774 19243
3 107603 42114 65489 84864 22739
2 116051 46468 69583 90211 25840
1 120723 51381 69342 90363 30360
2017 4 122761 53309 69452 91363 31398
3 121466 53810 67656 89152 32314
2 112825 48745 64080 83365 29460
1 117642 50973 66669 86700 30942
2016 4 112370 47894 64476 81226 31144
3 107819 45394 62425 76243 31576
2 106193 45319 60874 74604 31589
1 104813 46074 58739 73018 31795
2015 4 101982 45394 56588 71024 30958
3 93745 41984 51761 65366 28379
2 92808 41922 50886 64044 28764
1 91878 43188 48690 62934 28944
2014 4 86343 40232 46111 59190 27153
3 86534 39460 47074 57569 28965
2 79734 36349 43385 51724 28010
1 78570 33387 45183 52461 26109
2013 4 80061 35764 44297 51206 28855
3 76804 35850 40954 47958 28846
2 82542 38176 44366 53918 28624
1 77803 36903 40900 51589 26214
2012 4 70578 32758 37820 47040 23538
3 72238 33390 38848 48686 23552
2 71721 31027 40694 48872 22849
1 70642 31620 39022 48460 22182
2011 4 69395 30547 38848 48568 20827
3 63728 28226 35502 45195 18533
2 58609 28685 29924 41843 16766
1 58807 30962 27845 40854 17953
2010 4 55425 28096 27329 39379 16046
3 56502 25058 31444 40514 15988
2 55523 23704 31819 40479 15044
1 53913 23849 30064 39961 13952
2009 4 53154 21701 31453 40943 12211
3 47965 18931 29034 36841 11124
2 48942 18972 29970 37655 11287
1 51944 20825 31119 40772 11172
2008 4 49448 19554 29894 37414 12034
3 48144 18446 29698 36019 12125
2 49556 18387 31169 36294 13262
1 50541 18965 31576 38410 12131
2007 4 50103 18521 31582 37712 12391
3 49173 18762 30411 36133 13040
2 51098 19232 31866 37667 13431
1 50366 20569 29797 36517 13849
2006 4 51004 20014 30990 36406 14598
3 53286 20485 32801 38849 14437
2 52273 19569 32704 38819 13454
1 54897 21147 33750 40468 14429
2005 4 54456 22586 31870 38769 15687
3 56846 24306 32540 41250 15596
2 60001 26454 33547 41293 18708
1 65761 28704 37057 45449 20312
2004 4 61247 27821 33426 41393 19854
3 64903 29089 35814 45251 19652
2 69892 31151 38741 50408 19484
1 69077 32328 36749 50723 18354
2003 4 68306 32394 35912 49209 19097
3 70625 33038 37587 49461 21164
2 69938 35423 34515 49620 20318
1 72311 33739 38572 52007 20304
2002 4 66393 28810 37583 45286 21107
3 70376 28645 41731 48660 21716
2 79193 31823 47370 57266 21927
1 76931 32074 44857 55762 21169
2001 4 76601 33761 42840 54323 22278
3 76524 33489 43035 54593 21931
2 80269 36645 43624 58619 21650
1 87813 44558 43255 63418 24395
2000 4 83924 44355 39569 61676 22248

The figures for the number of manual workers engaged at building and civil engineering construction sites, analysed by sector (Public and Private) or by type of project (Building and Civil Engineering) are based on results of the Quarterly Employment Survey of Construction Sites conducted by the Census and Statistics Department.

Starting from the second quarter of 2005 round of the survey, the coverage has been expanded to include construction works under the School Improvement Programme of the Architectural Services Department. Figures have been revised and backdated to the first quarter of 2003.