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Publications & Press Releases

DEVB's response on labour importation scheme for construction industry

     In response to media enquiries on the labour importation scheme for the construction industry, a spokesman for the Development Bureau (DEVB) said today (March 29):
     "The Chief Executive's 2022 Policy Address" has pointed out that many sectors in Hong Kong are facing manpower shortages, and that relevant policy bureaux would listen to the views of the sectors and put forward solutions having regard to the situation of individual sectors.
     For the construction industry, the Construction Industry Council published the latest Construction Manpower Forecast on February 8. In a press release issued on the same day, the DEVB stated that it would make reference to the forecast and assess how to address manpower demand of the construction industry through a multi-pronged strategy which includes leveraging local manpower resources, enhancing training and bringing in non-local resources as necessary, as well as to reduce manpower needs through productivity uplifting measures. The DEVB's target is to complete the assessment and propose a holistic strategy for addressing manpower needs of the construction sector by mid-2023. Relevant work is in progress according to the target timeframe and an announcement will be made in due course.
Ends/Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Issued at HKT 20:56