Cooperation arrangement on management of cross-boundary dumping between Hong Kong and Mainland updated (with photo)
The Development Bureau (DEVB) and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) today (October 27) signed the updated Cooperation Arrangement on Management of Cross-boundary Dumping.
Hong Kong has been adopting a multipronged approach, such as reducing, reusing, recycling and temporary storage, to deal with inert construction and demolition materials (i.e. public fill) generated by the local construction industry. However, local reusing and recycling cannot absorb all the inert construction and demolition materials and the capacity of temporary fill banks is limited. Local disposal facilities of dredged materials also face pressure of insufficient capacity.
With the support of the Central Government, the former Environment, Transport and Works Bureau and the former State Oceanic Administration signed an agreement in 2004, providing a foundation for closer co-operation and communication on the accommodation of inert construction and demolition materials in Mainland waters and the management of cross-boundary dumping of dredged materials generated in Hong Kong.
Premised on the existing management principles, the Cooperation Arrangement updates the details of the arrangement of the accommodation of inert construction and demolition materials on the Mainland as well as cross-boundary dumping of dredged materials generated in Hong Kong. It also reflects the changes in the government structure of both sides in recent years. Witnessed by Vice Minister of the MEE Ms Guo Fang, the Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, and representative of the Department of Marine Ecology and Environment of the MEE Mr Zhou Zhiqiang signed the Cooperation Agreement in Hong Kong.
Under the Cooperation Arrangement, the Civil Engineering and Development Department will continue to transfer surplus public fill to the designated reception site in Taishan in Guangdong Province for disposal. As for dredged materials, project proponents, based on the need of individual projects, can submit applications for cross-boundary dumping based on specific requirements in accordance with the mechanism to the relevant department under the MEE.
Ends/Friday, October 27, 2023
Issued at HKT 17:35