LCQ22: Planning for former Choi Hung Road Market
It has been learnt that the Government closed the Choi Hung Road Market in Wong Tai Sin in 2022 to free up the site for other long-term development purposes, but so far the site has not been planned for any use. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) whether it has considered revitalising the former Choi Hung Road Market; if so, of the timetable and roadmap;
(2) whether it will consider opening up the former Choi Hung Road Market to youth groups or non-profit-making district groups in the short term for the creation of music and art spaces as well as cultural and creative markets, so as to optimise the use of idle spaces; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) whether it will, in the long run, consider converting the former Choi Hung Road Market for the provision of dental clinics as well as leisure and cultural services facilities (e.g. libraries and study rooms) to cater for the needs of local residents; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
With regard to the overall planning of the Choi Hung Road (CHR) Playground, the CHR Sports Centre and the former CHR Market site, the Energizing Kowloon East Office (the Office) of the Development Bureau commenced the study and planning work in collaboration with relevant government departments including the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Planning Department and the Architectural Services Department (ArchSD). The objective is to improve the recreational and sports facilities and integrate other uses under the principle of "single site, multiple use" to make better use of land resources and meet societal needs at the same time. After consultation with the relevant policy bureaux and departments, the reply to the questions is as follows:
(1) and (3) The CHR Playground, the CHR Sports Centre and the former CHR Market are located in San Po Kong with a total site area of about 4.5 hectares. Taking into account the actual district situation, it is recommended to preserve the playground open space area as far as possible with enhancement to increase its attractiveness and inclusiveness. To gather creative design and ideas, the Office and the ArchSD co-organised the Design Competition for Redevelopment of Open Space at CHR Playground and would consider adopting some of the design ideas and concepts of the winning entry for the design of the redevelopment project. As for the CHR Sports Centre and the former market part, taking into account the advice from relevant policy bureaux and departments, it is proposed to develop a new integrated government complex under the principle of "single site, multiple use" to reprovision and upgrade the existing recreational and sports facilities and to introduce some new services. The Office consulted the Wong Tai Sin District Council and other members of the local community on the preliminary proposals of the redevelopment project in February 2023 and incorporated the relevant comments. In terms of recreational and sports facilities, under the latest design, the sports centre facilities which will be reprovisioned and upgraded include an indoor multi-purpose arena, badminton courts, a multi-function activity room, a children's play room, a table tennis room, a dance room and a fitness room, and a new indoor futsal-cum-handball court. The integrated complex will also provide space for welfare facilities (including elderly and child care centres) and set up the Wong Tai Sin District Health Centre as a hub to provide and co-ordinate primary healthcare services of the district. A public vehicle park will be provided in the redevelopment project and the existing San Po Kong Public Library will also be reprovisioned in the integrated complex so as to upgrade the services and facilities of the library. The relevant preliminary studies for the project have been completed. The Office is liaising with concerned departments on details of commencing the relevant town planning procedures to prepare for the project implementation.
(2) The CHR Playground and the CHR Sports Centre are still in operation while the CHR Market was closed in March 2022. To optimise the use of resources, following the established procedures, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has identified appropriate alternative user departments to use the premises. Currently, part of the premises is separately used by the FEHD for temporary storage purpose and by the Transport Department for temporary storage of seized bicycles that were illegal parked or abandoned.
Ends/Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Issued at HKT 15:00
Issued at HKT 15:00