CE officiates at opening ceremony of MIPIM Asia 2012 (with photos/video)
The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, today (November 7) officiated at the opening ceremony of MIPIM Asia 2012 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Le Marché International des Professionnels de l'Immobilier (MIPIM) Asia was launched in 2006 and has become an effective platform for governments around the world to promote themselves as ideal business centres, with hundreds of multinational companies and investors attending the annual property event. The Development Bureau has taken part in MIPIM Asia since 2010, and sees it as an opportunity to promote Hong Kong's latest development projects.
This year, the Development Bureau has joined with the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau's Tourism Commission and the Urban Renewal Authority to set up a Hong Kong Pavilion to showcase a series of major government initiatives including Energizing Kowloon East, the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, the Redevelopment of Kwun Tong Town Centre and the Kai Tak Flat-for-Flat Development Project.
Other government officials accompanying the Chief Executive at the opening ceremony were the Secretary for Development, Mr Paul Chan; the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr Wai Chi-sing; and the Head of the Energizing Kowloon East Office, Mr Raymond Lee.
MIPIM Asia 2012 runs from November 7 to 9 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The Hong Kong Pavilion is located at booth 5-F02/G01. MIPIM Asia 2012 is open to registered parties only.
Information on MIPIM Asia 2012 is available on the event website: http://www.mipimasia.com/.
Ends/Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Issued at HKT 11:25