Stage 3 public engagement for "Kowloon Bay Business Area Pedestrian Environment Improvement - Feasibility Study" launched
The Energizing Kowloon East Office (EKEO) of the Development Bureau launched the Stage 3 public engagement for the "Kowloon Bay Business Area (KBBA) Pedestrian Environment Improvement - Feasibility Study" today (May 26). Members of the public are invited to share their views on the medium- to long-term pedestrian environment improvement proposals in the KBBA during the eight-week public engagement period.
The Stage 1 and 2 public engagement exercises were completed in June 2013 and January 2014 respectively. In the Stage 2 public engagement, the EKEO proposed improvement to 10 pedestrian facilities and seven road junctions. Having taken into account the public's comments, it evaluated the detailed design and modified the short- to medium-term at-grade improvement proposals. These proposals have been taken forward progressively in liaison with relevant departments. They would enhance pedestrian access as well as optimise the junction's performance for alleviating traffic congestion.
In view of the transformation of the KBBA, the pedestrian and traffic flow will increase in future. To enhance walkability and create a pedestrian friendly environment, the EKEO has formulated a medium- to long-term pedestrian linkage network proposal with seven pedestrian links, in addition to some short-term improvement works that can be done on the roads. The long-term objective is to connect different parts of the KBBA and the adjacent Kai Tak Development by improving at-grade pedestrian facilities, enhancing landscape and streetscape, promoting greening, diverting existing heavy pedestrian flow and connecting important nodes of attraction through at-grade connection or pedestrian footbridges, with a view to creating an environment that is pedestrian-friendly within the KBBA where people can enjoy working, living and playing together.
A series of Stage 3 public engagement activities will take place from today until July 18. The EKEO will consult the Kwun Tong District Council, professional institutions and relevant parties in addition to organising a public forum on June 14. The public engagement digest is available at the EKEO's website ( Suggestions can be made via the designated website, email ( or telephone (3922 9870) by July 18, 2014.
Ends/Monday, May 26, 2014
Issued at HKT 16:00