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10th Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Cooperation and Development Forum - Thematic Seminar on Urbanisation held in Hong Kong (with photos)

As part of the 10th Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Cooperation and Development Forum to be held in Guangzhou in October this year, the Development Bureau and the Planning Department held a thematic seminar on urbanisation today (September 26).

"The seminar lined up the relevant government officials of the provinces/regions in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region and local experts, academics and members of the community for sharing of views and interactive discussion. It helped to explore the opportunities and challenges faced by each province/region in the urbanisation process and the ways to capitalise on the advantages of individual provinces/regions for promotion of further development, and also strengthened the communication among the provinces/regions for the sharing of experience and information in urban development," a spokesman for the Development Bureau said.

There were about 150 participants at the seminar, including the relevant government officials of the nine provinces of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region (Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan), Hong Kong and Macau as well as members of various advisory committees and professional institutes and academics of Hong Kong. 

The Secretary for Development, Mr Paul Chan, gave a speech on the "Past and Future of Urban Development of Hong Kong", while the Director-General of the China Center for Urban Development, National Development and Reform Commission, Mr Li Tie, was invited to give an overview of China's New Urbanisation Plan (2014-2020). Emeritus Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Yeung Yue-man, and the Programme Director, Executive Training Programme of the China Affairs Office, the University of Hong Kong, Dr Michael Luk, were invited as moderators of two interactive discussion sessions. The delegations from the Mainland and Macau also visited the City Gallery, the Hong Kong Science Park and Tung Chung New Town to learn about the major planning and infrastructure projects and the development of hi-tech industrial parks and new towns in Hong Kong.

"The national plan on the way forward of urbanisation has major significance in the future development of the Mainland provinces/cities of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region. Hong Kong has attained rich experience and professional expertise in urban development. Such experience could serve as reference to the provinces/cities. Through the seminar, Hong Kong could also strengthen communication with the provinces/regions in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region," the spokesman said.


Ends/Friday, September 26, 2014
Issued at HKT 20:00


As part of the 10th Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Cooperation and Development Forum to be held in Guangzhou in October this year, the Development Bureau and the Planning Department held a thematic seminar on urbanisation today (September 26). Photo shows the Secretary for Development, Mr Paul Chan, giving a speech on the "Past and Future of Urban Development of Hong Kong" at the seminar.  The Director-General of the China Center for Urban Development, National Development and Reform Commission, Mr Li Tie, gives an overview of China's New Urbanisation Plan (2014-2020).   About 150 participants attend the 10th Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Cooperation and Development Forum - Thematic Seminar on Urbanisation held in Hong Kong today.
