Appointment to Task Force on Land Supply
The Chief Executive has appointed 22 non-official and eight official members to the Task Force on Land Supply (Task Force) for a term of one and a half years from September 1, 2017 to February 28, 2019. The membership will be published in the gazette on September 1.
Mr Stanley Wong Yuen-fai and Dr Greg Wong Chak-yan will serve as Chairman and Vice-chairman of the Task Force respectively.
A spokesman for the Development Bureau said, "Providing a steady and sustainable land supply to cope with Hong Kong's various development needs tops the Government's agenda. As set out in the Chief Executive's election manifesto, the Task Force will take a macro review of the land supply options. Specifically, it will, building on the multi-pronged land supply strategy adopted by the Government, review and evaluate other land supply options, and launch a public engagement exercise to engage the community in discussions on the pros and cons of different options and their priorities. The ultimate objective is to build consensus in the community and draw up a broad framework of recommendations on the overall land supply strategy with prioritisation of different land supply options for further consideration by the Government."
"The Task Force is made up of members coming from various professional disciplines, including planning, engineering, architecture, surveying and environment, as well as members involved in the academia, think tanks, social services, housing development and district administration. With their wealth of experience and expertise, we are confident that the Task Force will come up with constructive ideas and will effectively engage the community in rational and objective discussions over different options," the spokesman added.
The Task Force will hold its first meeting on September 6. Following is the Task Force's membership:
Mr Stanley Wong Yuen-fai
Dr Greg Wong Chak-yan
Non-official members
Professor Chau Kwong-wing
Mr Cheung Hok-ming
Mr Simon Fung Shing-cheung
Mr Ho Hei-wah
Ms Iris Hoi
Professor Lam Kin-che
Mr Lau Chun-kong
Professor Jimmy Leung Cheuk-fai
Professor Francis Lui Ting-ming
Dr Eunice Mak Hoi-cheung
Dr Ng Cho-nam
Mr Vincent Ng Wing-shun
Dr Derrick Pang Yat-bond
Mr Jasper Tsang Yok-sing
Ir Wai Chi-sing
Mr Wong Kit-loong
Mr Wong Kwun
Mr Stephen Wong Yuen-shan
Professor Anthony Wu Ting-yuk
Mr Ricky Yu Wai-yip
Official members
Secretary for Development or representative
Secretary for the Environment or representative
Secretary for Transport and Housing or representative
Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) or representative
Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) or representative
Director of Civil Engineering and Development or representative
Director of Lands or representative
Director of Planning or representative
Principal Assistant Secretary (Planning and Lands), Development Bureau
Ends/Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Issued at HKT 10:39