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Task Force on Land Supply appeals for active participation, openness and inclusiveness (with photos/video)

The Task Force on Land Supply (Task Force) launched a five-month public engagement (PE) exercise today (April 26). Entitled "Land for Hong Kong: Our Home, Our Say", the PE aims to invite all sectors of society to offer their views on 18 land supply options and other land supply-related issues.

The Task Force Chairman, Mr Stanley Wong, said the land shortage problem is pressing. The actual land shortfall is much greater than the 1 200 hectares as estimated by the Government, as the figure has yet to take into account public aspiration for improvement in living space per person, the additional land required for the provision of more healthcare and elderly facilities to tackle the ageing population, and the need for building up a land reserve. The Task Force therefore considers that the actual land shortage is far more than 1 200ha. Action to increase land supply can be deferred no longer, he said.

"The Task Force has identified 18 land supply options which have the potential to provide additional land. Based on their estimated earliest possible time to deliver land, these options are grouped into short-to-medium term (four), medium-to-long term (six) and conceptual (eight). There is no order of priority for these options, and the Task Force welcomes other suggestions. All options would entail a different degree of impact on different stakeholders, and no options are painless. Neither is there a single option that could solve all the problems of land shortage. Hence, adopting a multi-pronged approach is a must. Finding the right balance is not easy, but we should have the courage to make tough choices for society," Mr Wong said.

He noted that society has had intense debate on land supply issues or individual options in the past few months. The diverse views show that issues are complex and involve different sectoral interests. He said he hoped that society can continue to participate in the discussions actively through the platform established by the Task Force in an open and inclusive manner. Compromises will have to be made by all parties and the overall interests of society should come first. It is also not realistic to suggest that one particular option can solve all the problems, because such an option simply does not exist, he said.

Mr Wong added that the Task Force would engage the public as widely as possible in the coming five months and will reach out to different stakeholders and ordinary people. The Task Force will bring to all sectors of society the relevant information on land supply and related issues to enhance public understanding before they make informed choices. It is the Task Force’s ultimate goal to join hands with society to break the stalemate on land shortage. The Task Force plans to organise more than 100 events including public forums, roving exhibitions in the 18 districts, workshops, visits and meetings, as well as using youth and community outreach, websites and media. The Task Force has also prepared a series of easy-to-read materials, including a booklet, pamphlet and short videos, which will be rolled out gradually.

The PE runs from today to September 26, 2018. Relevant information has been uploaded to the dedicated website ( Details of public events including public forums and roving exhibitions will also be announced on the website in due course.

Ends/Thursday, April 26, 2018
Issued at HKT 19:58


The Task Force on Land Supply held a press conference today (April 26) to launch the Public Engagement Exercise, details of which were announced by the Task Force Chairman, Mr Stanley Wong (right), and the Vice-chairman, Dr Greg Wong (left).   The Task Force on Land Supply held a press conference today (April 26) on the Public Engagement Exercise. Photo shows the Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong (front row, fifth right); the Task Force Chairman, Mr Stanley Wong (front row, centre); Vice-chairman, Dr Greg Wong (front row, fifth left); and other members of the Task Force at the press conference.


Press conference on Public Engagement Exercise of Task Force on Land Supply

Public Engagement Exercise of Task Force on Land Supply
