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SDEV visits Wan Chai District (with photos)

The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, visited Wan Chai District today (May 31) and met with local District Council members to exchange views on district matters. He also visited a music academy in the revitalised Haw Par Mansion.

Accompanied by the Vice-chairman of the Wan Chai District Council (WCDC), Dr Jennifer Chow, and the District Officer (Wan Chai), Mr Rick Chan, Mr Wong first visited Haw Par Music Farm. Located at Haw Par Mansion, the music academy is one of the projects under Batch III of the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme. The old mansion has been revitalised into Haw Par Music Farm by the Aw Boon Haw Foundation for providing Chinese and Western music training and community outreach activities to promote music culture.

During his visit, Mr Wong was briefed by a representative of the academy on details of the restoration and revitalisation of this Grade I historic building, including retaining as far as possible the interior layout of the mansion. The external walls, doors, windows and interior decorations have been restored to the former 1930s look, while the original furnishings of the mansion and the former owners' private collection are conserved and displayed.

The Development Bureau launched the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme in 2008. Through collaboration with non-profit-making organisations, historic buildings are preserved, revitalised and put into good use. So far, five batches of projects have been rolled out, involving a total of 19 projects. Haw Par Music Farm was soft launched at the end of last year and has been open with free guided tours to the public since April this year.

Before concluding his visit, Mr Wong met with WCDC members to gain a better understanding of the latest developments and needs of the district, and listen to members' views and suggestions on the work of the Government. 

Ends/Friday, May 31, 2019 
Issued at HKT 18:18


The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, toured Haw Par Music Farm in the revitalised Haw Par Mansion during his visit to Wan Chai District today (May 31). Mr Wong (third right) is pictured with the Vice-chairman of the Wan Chai District Council, Dr Jennifer Chow (fourth right); the District Officer (Wan Chai), Mr Rick Chan (second right); the Commissioner for Heritage, Mr José Yam (first left); the Political Assistant to the Secretary for Development, Mr Allen Fung (first right); and staff of Haw Par Music Farm. The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, toured Haw Par Music Farm in the revitalised Haw Par Mansion during his visit to Wan Chai District today (May 31). Picture shows Mr Wong (first right) talking with the Haw Par Music Foundation Council Chair, Ms Sally Aw (first left). The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, toured Haw Par Music Farm in the revitalised Haw Par Mansion during his visit to Wan Chai District today (May 31). Photo shows Mr Wong (first left) being briefed by a representative of Haw Par Music Farm on details of the restoration and revitalisation of the Mansion. The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong (centre), meets with Wan Chai District Council members to gain a better understanding of the latest developments and needs of the district while visiting Wan Chai District today (May 31).
