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Press Releases

SDEV speaks to the media

Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, at a media session after attending the meeting of the Legislative Council Panel on Development today (June 25):
Reporter: Secretary, you said more time is needed. Why do you guys need more time? And, are you concerned that this might affect the land and flats supply? Talking about Lantau Tomorrow Vision, do you still wish the LegCo to pass the Lantau Tomorrow Vision before the summer break?
Secretary for Development: For the Land Sharing Pilot Scheme, we are looking at many details. With development's reasons, more time may be needed. So our original schedule of looking at a submission to the Chief Executive in June or July, it might have to be adjusted. We are still looking at the details. So give us a bit more time. We will make an announcement when we are ready. On the study relating to the reclamation of Kau Yi Chau, at the moment it is at the end of the queue in front of the Finance Committee. This is something natural, because there are some 20 projects ahead of this item (including those) that have been discussed by the Public Works Subcommittee. We understand that it may mean that the Legislative Council (LegCo) would not be able to finish the scrutiny for this item before summer. If this is the case, we will accept it. If there is a chance to discuss it before summer, we are also happy to see it.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Issued at HKT 18:30

