SDEV and delegation continue visit in Shanghai (with photos)
The Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, leading a delegation of the Development Bureau, continued her visit to Shanghai today (December 20), together with a delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Development.The delegation called on the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Housing, Urban-Rural Development and Management (SMCHURDM) this morning. They met and exchanged views with the Director-General of the SMCHURDM, Mr Hu Guangjie; Deputy Director-General of the SMCHURDM Mr Jin Chen, and other responsible officials on various issues, including urban planning and management, redevelopment of old areas, emergency response and flood prevention works, riverside development and built heritage conservation. Ms Linn said that Hong Kong and Shanghai are facing similar challenges on urban planning, redevelopment of old areas and building of liveable city. During the process, various needs of the society should be taken care of. The exchange of views allowed the delegations to learn from the rich experience of SMCHURDM.
In the afternoon, the delegation visited the Lingang Special Area to ride in autopilot vehicles and smart public transport. They met with the Deputy Director of Lingang Special Area Administration, Mr Tang Hao, and other responsible officials to learn about the overall planning and development approach of the Lingang Special Area, including institutional innovation, data sharing, smart city management and division of work between enterprises and the government.
The delegation will continue their visit to Shanghai tomorrow (December 21).
Ends/Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Issued at HKT 23:48
Issued at HKT 23:48