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Press Releases

Appointments to Drinking Water Safety Advisory Committee

     The Government announced today (December 29) the appointment of Dr Chan Hon-fai as the Chairperson and Professor Irene Lo Man-chi as the Vice-Chairperson of the Drinking Water Safety Advisory Committee, as well as the appointment of five new members and the reappointment of seven incumbent members for a two-year term from January 1, 2024.

     The Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, said, "I am confident that under the leadership of Dr Chan Hon-fai and with the support of other members, the Committee will continue to provide professional advice to the Government on policy initiatives for enhancing drinking water safety in Hong Kong, and assist the Government to take forward various tasks.  I look forward to working closely with the Committee to safeguard drinking water safety."
     Ms Linn expressed gratitude to the outgoing Chairperson, Mr Edmund Leung Kwong-ho, for his dedicated service in the past six years, leading the Committee to provide the Government with constructive suggestions.  She also extended her gratitude to the seven outgoing members for their contributions to the Committee.
     The Committee was set up on January 1, 2018, to advise the Development Bureau on the regulatory regime for drinking water safety in Hong Kong, drinking water standards, and policies and operational matters relating to drinking water safety.  In addition, the Committee reviews global concerns on matters related to water safety as well as directions for new research proposed by the Government in light of international practices, trends and developments.
     The membership list of the Committee with effect from January 1, 2024, is set out below:
Dr Chan Hon-fai
Professor Irene Lo Man-chi
Non-official members
Mr Antonio Chan Chi-ming*
Dr Jones Chan Chun-man*
Mr Arthur Cheung Man-to*
Dr May Chui Ting-fong
Mr Chung Chi-ming
Dr David Anthony Cunliffe
Dr Gray Ho Koon-sing
Professor Vivian Lee Wing-yan
Professor Liu Hongbin*
Dr Gloria Tam Lai-fan*
Ms Michelle Tang Ming-sum
Professor Kelvin To Kai-wang
Ex-officio members
Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) or representative
Director of Health or representative
Director of Water Supplies or representative
* New members
Ends/Friday, December 29, 2023
Issued at HKT 11:00
