LCQ18: Evaluation mechanism of Mainland "Professional Title" qualifications for Hong Kong professionals
Following is a question by Dr the Hon Lo Wai-kwok and a written reply by the Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, in the Legislative Council today (February 12):
It has been reported that the SAR Government and the Guangdong Provincial Government established in 2023 an evaluation mechanism of Mainland "Professional Title" qualifications for Hong Kong engineering professionals, and implemented it as a pilot scheme in five engineering disciplines, namely civil engineering, geotechnical, highway, electrical and measurement, control and instrumentation. Recently, the first batch of more than 200 Hong Kong engineers have successfully passed the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area engineering Professional Title evaluation and obtained corresponding engineering professional qualifications on the Mainland, representing a major breakthrough in the convergence of professional qualifications between Hong Kong and the Mainland. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) whether the authorities have discussed with the Mainland the gradual extension of evaluation of Professional Title qualifications to all engineering professions; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) whether the authorities will formulate a strategy and timetable for discussing with the Mainland the gradual extension of evaluation of Professional Title qualifications to more professional sectors other than the engineering sector, so as to enable more professional sectors to facilitate the integrated development of Hong Kong and the Mainland; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) whether the authorities will take the breakthrough in the convergence of professional qualifications between Hong Kong and the Mainland as an opportunity to join hands with Mainland government departments and relevant professional sectors to encourage Hong Kong and Mainland enterprises to jointly bid for large-scale national and multinational projects, so as to broaden the horizons of and seek more opportunities for the various types of professionals and small and medium-sized enterprises in Hong Kong; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
The Government has always attached importance to the interconnected flow of talents between Hong Kong and the Mainland, among which the recognition of professional qualifications is crucial to the flow of talents and the technological exchange. The first batch of more than 200 Hong Kong engineers passed the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) engineering "Professional Title" evaluation and obtained corresponding engineering professional qualifications in the Mainland (i.e. the professional qualifications were officially recognised under the Mainland qualifications framework for engineering sector), which represents a major breakthrough in the convergence of the rules between the two places in the area of professional qualifications. The "Professional Title" evaluation was implemented as a pilot scheme in five engineering disciplines, namely civil engineering, geotechnical, highway, electrical and measurement, control and instrumentation. It successfully opened up a channel for the Hong Kong engineering profession to connect with the "Professional Title" evaluation mechanism in the Mainland, and also set a benchmark for other professional sectors in Hong Kong.
In consultation with the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, our responses to the question raised by Dr the Hon Lo Wai-kwok are as follows:
(1) and (2) After the implementation of the pilot evaluation of "Professional Title" qualifications in 2024, the Development Bureau (DEVB) promptly engaged in discussion with relevant Mainland authority and reached a consensus on regularising the relevant evaluation mechanism in mid-2025 with additional engineering disciplines; and even extending the mechanism to other construction-related professions with the right conditions. We expect that the next batch will cover professionals in manufacturing, industrial and systems engineering; mechanical engineering; electronic engineering and quantity surveying. Looking ahead, the DEVB will maintain close co-ordination with Hong Kong construction-related professional institutes and relevant Mainland authorities, and strive to facilitate more professionals in the local construction sector to obtain corresponding "Professional Title" qualifications through the "Professional Title" evaluation mechanism in the Mainland.
As for extending the "Professional Title" evaluation mechanism to other professional sectors outside the construction industry, the implementation of this initiative will depend on a number of factors, such as whether there are corresponding "Professional Title" in the Mainland; the inclination of relevant institutes and groups, etc.
(3) To dovetail with the National 14th Five-Year Plan in respect of supporting the strategy of high-quality development of the GBA, we have collaborated with the relevant Mainland authorities to promulgate a number of measures to drive Hong Kong's construction and engineering sectors to seize opportunities to pursue development in the Mainland cities of the GBA, thereby better integrating into the national development. Apart from facilitating various professions of Hong Kong's construction industry to enter the Mainland's "Professional Title" evaluation mechanism, we promulgated the registration system in the nine Mainland cities of the GBA in 2021, which allows Hong Kong construction and engineering enterprises and professionals to acquire qualifications through a simple registration process and bid for construction projects of the government in the Mainland. The above measures not only play a positive role in promoting exchanges and collaboration between professional talents of the two places, but also help enterprises and talents of the two places to work together to promote high-quality development of the construction sector of the country and Hong Kong.
In addition, the DEVB has been committed to promoting collaboration by construction enterprises in both places for bidding large-scale national and overseas projects, so as to seek more business for relevant Hong Kong enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, and job opportunities for professionals. Over the years, relevant government departments and the construction industry of the two places have co-organised a number of large-scale events. For example, the Mainland and Hong Kong Construction Forum 2024 was held in Guangzhou in March 2024, providing an exchange and interface platform for practitioners from Hong Kong and 26 provinces and cities in the Mainland. During the forum, more than 60 business matchings were arranged for a number of construction and engineering-related enterprises in the Mainland and Hong Kong, allowing enterprises from the two places to form alliances and "go global" to jointly explore the infrastructure markets along the "Belt and Road" regions and overseas. Moreover, we hosted the International Infrastructure and Projects Leaders Summit in Hong Kong in November 2024, bringing together more than 500 major infrastructure project leaders and experts from over 20 countries, 180 government departments, and private organisations from the Mainland and overseas countries, and representatives of renowned international organisations such as the World Economic Forum and the International Institute for Management Development, to have an in-depth experience exchange in infrastructure project management, share opportunities in large infrastructure projects and strengthen the collaboration network with construction enterprises in various places. The summit further consolidates Hong Kong's position as an international infrastructure centre. It will not only facilitate Hong Kong and Mainland enterprises to jointly bid for large infrastructure projects in the Mainland and overseas, but also help attract overseas enterprises to invest in infrastructure development in the Mainland and Hong Kong, enabling Hong Kong to better serve its important roles as "super connector" and "super value-adder".
Ends/Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Issued at HKT 15:55
Issued at HKT 15:55