Secretary for Development visits Eastern District
The Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (November 20) visited Eastern District to understand district planning issues in the harbourfront areas.Accompanied by the Eastern District Officer, Mr Herman Cho, Mrs Lam toured the harbourfront area in Quarry Bay Park, where she was briefed on a study to be launched by the Planning Department to explore, amongst others, the possibility of creating a continuous waterfront promenade along the harbourfront of Island east, including the construction of a boardwalk underneath the Island Eastern Corridor. She also took the opportunity to visit the Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery inside the park.
Mrs Lam also inspected the soon-to-be-vacant site at the former North Point Estate where the Eastern District Council would undertake a minor works project costing $3.5 million to create a 2,800-square-metre temporary promenade for public enjoyment.
Under the development concept plan for the ex-North Point Estate site, 15,000 square metres of public open space will be provided, comprising a waterfront promenade, landscaped walkway and piazza offering a focal point for leisure activities.
Mrs Lam then visited the rooftop garden at Causeway Bay Community Centre. The garden, measuring 500 square metres with evergreen ornamental species planted, is one of the Architectural Services Department's 20 retrofit rooftop greening projects.
Before ending her visit, Mrs Lam exchanged views with members of the Eastern District Council on issues of mutual concern. She told members that the Government would embark on more minor works and greening projects to improve the city environment and create jobs.
Ends/Thursday, November 20, 2008
Issued at HKT 19:57