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Press Releases

Registration of minor works contractors to begin December 30

Registration of minor works contractors under the new minor works control system will begin on December 30, 2009, the Development Bureau announced today (December 11).

"The registration is the first step for the full implementation of the minor works control system," a spokesman for the Development Bureau said.

The minor works control system aims to simplify the existing statutory procedures in order to provide a lawful, simple, safe as well as convenient means for building owners to carry out small-scale building works, such as installation of supporting frames of air conditioners and drying racks. Under the new system, the requirement to seek prior approval of building plans and consent to commence minor works will be dispensed with. A new category of building works, namely "minor works", and a new group of contractors called "registered minor works contractors" for carrying out such minor works, will be introduced. Minor works will be divided into three classes according to their complexity and risk to safety.  

Minor works practitioners, including body corporates, partnerships, sole proprietorships, or (for Class III minor works only) individuals, may apply for registration as minor work contractors for the relevant classes, types or items of minor works according to their qualifications and experience. While practitioners with adequate qualifications can register directly as minor works contractors, a two-year provisional registration arrangement will be put in place for those who need to attend top-up courses to attain adequate qualifications. The registers of contractors will be published on the website of the Buildings Department (BD) to facilitate inspection by the public when the minor works control system is fully implemented.  

Incentives for registration for Class III individual candidates, including full subsidy for mandatory one-day top-up courses for the first three years and "early-bird" fee concessions (for practitioners who apply in accordance with their experience and not formal qualifications) for the first 12 months, will be provided. "Our objective is to facilitate existing minor works practitioners in the industry to register. We take this opportunity to appeal to the practitioners to come forth to register as minor works contractors as early as possible," the spokesman added.

Depending on the progress of registration of contractors, the Development Bureau will decide when to begin operation of the minor works control system. The current target is to begin operation of the system by the end of the first quarter of 2010 at the earliest. The BD will launch an extensive publicity and public education campaign beforehand.

An advisory service will be made available to building owners, practitioners and other stakeholders to provide technical advice and answer their questions. Enquiries about the registration system can be directed to the BD by email ( or phone (2626 1616). Further information about the minor works control system can be found at (

Ends/Friday, December 11, 2009
Issued at HKT 18:58

