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Results of International Design Ideas Competition for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai BCP Passenger Terminal Building announced (with photos)

The governments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and Shenzhen today (September 1) announced the results of the International Design Ideas Competition for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point (BCP) Passenger Terminal Building at the Prize Award Ceremony for the competition.

Launched in December 2010, the competition received an overwhelming response from entrants worldwide. More than 170 entries from over 10 countries and regions including the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Greece and Holland were received. The six winners of the Professional Group and the Open Group are from Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou.

The Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam, and the Executive Vice-Mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, Mr Lu Ruifeng, officiated at the ceremony and presented prizes to the winners.

Speaking at the award ceremony, Mrs Lam said the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai BCP is one of the seven major projects involving co-operation between Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macau under the 12th National Five-Year Plan. It will be the seventh land-based Hong Kong-Shenzhen BCP, connected to the Eastern Corridor in Shenzhen to provide a more efficient cross-border link to the eastern part of Shenzhen, as well as Huizhou, eastern parts of Guangdong and neighbouring provinces.

"When both governments agreed on the construction of the BCP, they decided that the BCP's design should be people-oriented. The Government of the HKSAR has attached great importance to public engagement and creativity when implementing major infrastructure projects in recent years. Hence, we came up with the idea of an international design competition for the Passenger Terminal Building and the four road bridges across the Shenzhen River. I am very pleased that this idea has received full support from the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government.

"This competition is the first design competition jointly organised by the governments of the HKSAR and Shenzhen. The prize award ceremony today not only marks an important milestone for the BCP project, but also fully demonstrates the increasingly close ties and co-operation between the two places.

"To further enhance its characteristics with regard to convenience and benefits for the public, we have made reference to the arrangement at the Shenzhen side that all passengers could arrive at the terminal building via public or private transport, or on foot. The BCP on the Hong Kong side will be designed as a land-based BCP directly accessible by both pedestrians, through a pedestrian subway, and private vehicles," Mrs Lam said.

Mr Lu added, "The enhancement of cross-boundary infrastructure development is the basis and focus of co-operation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The two places jointly organised this competition with a view toward uplifting the design standard of planning for cross-boundary infrastructure facilities. The success of the event is the result of close co-operation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong and has fully realised the spirit of people-oriented design and public participation, and has embraced creativity."

The jury, led by the Head Juror, Professor He Jingtang of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, selected 10 finalist entries each from the Professional Group and the Open Group in the first round of adjudication in early May this year. To solicit public views, these finalist entries were exhibited in public roving exhibitions in Hong Kong and Shenzhen and on the competition website from June 1 to July 5. Subsequently, the jury consolidated the public opinions collected in the second round of adjudication and selected three winning entries, three commendation entries and four finalist entries each from the Professional Group and the Open Group. The jury said that the standard of the entries was very high. Participants showed their innovative ideas and unique perspectives on the Hong Kong-Shenzhen connection and the design of the Passenger Terminal Building. The winning entries of the Professional Group will be taken as a reference by both governments for the future detailed design of the Passenger Terminal Building.

The details of the winners in the Professional Group and the Open Group and their entry titles are shown in the Annex. All the entries have been uploaded to the competition website at The winning entries will be displayed in a roving exhibition in Hong Kong and Shenzhen from tomorrow (September 2) until October 31. Admission to the roving exhibition is free. For details, please refer to the website above.

Ends/Thursday, September 1, 2011
Issued at HKT 18:46



The Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam, delivers a speech at the Prize Award Ceremony of International Design Ideas Competition for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Passenger Terminal Building today (September 1). Mrs Lam presents an award to the first prize winner of the Professional Group in the design ideas competition. Mrs Lam and the Executive Vice-Mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, Mr Lu Ruifeng (right), view the entries for the design ideas competition.
