Statement on land grant for Union Hospital
In response to press reports on observations regarding the development of Union Hospital made in the Director of Audit's report on "Land grants for private hospital development", a spokesman for the Lands Department (LandsD) today (November 16) issued the following statement:
According to the LandsD, the hospital site was granted by way of open tender and the disposal was in accordance with the then prevailing arrangements applicable to the provision of sites for private hospitals. The department followed the due process of consulting relevant departments on the size of the site and other conditions of land grant.
Similarly, the LandsD followed the established procedures in processing the subsequent application for lease modification. Following the Town Planning Board's agreement to the rezoning of part of the site for residential use in 2000, the amendment was subsequently approved after going through the process of gazetting for public consultation and hearing in accordance with the provision of the Town Planning Ordinance. The LandsD then went through the due process to consult the departments concerned on the application for lease modification on the basis of the amended use. Full premium was charged to reflect the residential use permitted under the lease.
The Administration has accepted the recommendations in the Audit Report and will do all it can to facilitate examination of the Report by the Legislative Council Public Account Committee.
Ends/Friday, November 16, 2012
Issued at HKT 19:26