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Press Releases

Government responds to Harbourfront Commission's submission of final report on proposed establishment of Harbourfront Authority

The Harbourfront Commission (HC) has submitted its final report on the proposed establishment of a Harbourfront Authority to the Chief Executive. The Secretary for Development, Mr Paul Chan, said today (January 19) that the Government welcomes the submission of the report and will further deliberate with the HC on the best way forward for harbourfront development in Hong Kong.

Mr Chan thanked the members, in particular the Chairman of the Commission, Mr Nicholas Brooke, and the other three Chairs of Task Forces under the HC, for the tremendous efforts made over the past few years in exploring a sustainable management model for the harbourfront.

"It is the vision of the Government to deliver an attractive, vibrant, accessible and sustainable harbourfront for the Hong Kong people," he said.

Ends/Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Issued at HKT 17:02
