DEVB unveils positive capacity building initiatives for arboriculture and horticulture industry (with photo)
The Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section (GLTMS) of the Development Bureau today (May 31) unveiled positive capacity building initiatives for the arboriculture and horticulture industry, which were welcomed by industry players and supported by the Expert Panel on Tree Management (EPTM).
At a gathering with stakeholders of the industry today, the Head of the GLTMS, Ms Deborah Kuh, said, "It is a great time for the arboriculture and horticulture industry to stand as one and positively build capacity for our collective future." The purpose of the initiatives is two-fold - to align education and practice of the industry; and to raise the professional standing of the industry to promote quality performance and the career prospects of practitioners in the long run.
The initiatives were the outcome of months of active discussions between the GLTMS and various stakeholders including professional bodies, industry associations, labour unions, landscape contractors and training institutions, as well as consultation with EPTM members. One of the key initiatives is to develop a set of competency standards for the industry.
The above objectives may be achieved through the lifelong learning platform built up under the Qualifications Framework (QF) implemented in Hong Kong. The GLTMS has recently explored with the Education Bureau and the Qualifications Framework (QF) Secretariat the establishment of an Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework for implementing QF for the Arboriculture and Horticulture industry. The foremost role of the ITAC will assist the industry to map out respective sets of competency standards. The QF Secretariat will help conduct an industry-wide consultation on the establishment of the potential ITAC at end June, 2016. Through setting the standards, employers, employees and training providers will know more clearly the knowledge, skills and professional behaviour or attitudes required of practitioners for discharging duties in a safe, professional and proficient manner.
A number of the professional bodies, industry associations and labour unions in the industry have also formed the Horticultural and Arboricultural Trade Council to facilitate the further exchange of views, narrowing of differences and feedback of common concerns to the Government. The Government will join with the industry to develop a common code of conduct, with a view to promoting safety awareness in frontline operations and practices, upholding quality standards and encouraging continuous professional development.
In collaboration with the industry, the GLTMS strives to positively develop the industry to meet public expectations and protect public safety in the context of a densely compacted city.
Ends/Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Issued at HKT 17:57