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Press Releases

SDEV visits Wan Chai District (with photos)

The Secretary for Development, Mr Paul Chan, today (June 23) visited a school and an environmental design centre in Wan Chai District. He also met with members of the Wan Chai District Council (WCDC) to learn more about the latest developments of the district.

Accompanied by the District Officer (Wan Chai), Mr Rick Chan, Mr Chan first met with members of the WCDC and exchanged views on residents' issues of concern in the district.

He then proceeded to visit Po Kok Primary School in Happy Valley. The school has some 300 students and 95 per cent of them are non-ethnic Chinese. Mr Chan watched students' recitation, singing and dance performances, and chatted with them about their school life and studies. During his interview with the school's TV station, he encouraged the students to study happily, make friends and enjoy school life.

Mr Chan then visited St James' Settlement Jockey Club Upcycling Centre. The centre promotes public awareness of green living and creates job opportunities for people with disabilities by encouraging corporations and organisations to donate used or leftover materials and inviting local designers to make use of the materials for new product designs and engaging rehabilitated persons in the production. He also toured St James' Creation Workshop, where rehabilitated persons receive training in ceramics and textiles and develop their art potential. Mr Chan was briefed by the trainers, visited the facilities and learnt about the training and art creation activities in which the rehabilitated persons were participating.

Ends/Thursday, June 23, 2016
Issued at HKT 20:09

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